57. Drunk Eddie

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"You're pretty!"

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"You're pretty!"

You hardly heard your boyfriend over the sound of the guitar wailing through the speaker system. It had taken a lot of convincing on Eddie's part to even get you out to the gig at the bar; he had only succeeded with the promise that he would buy your drinks for you.

You didn't like this kind of music, but Eddie loved it. He was having the time of his life headbanging along with the music, his hair flying everywhere. The bass drum from the band's drum kit felt like a punch in your chest every time, and you gripped Eddie's arm tightly to keep yourself in one spot.

Eddie had fulfilled his promise of buying your drinks throughout the night, but he had been doing the same for himself. His cheeks were rosy as he drank his third (maybe fourth) Jack and Coke of the night, and his eyes were wide and glossy as he watched he band. You had never seen him so happy, and it warmed your chest. Maybe you didn't exactly like the music, but the time spent with Eddie was better than anything else.

"What?" you asked, and Eddie inched closer to you. He pressed a kiss to your cheek, then to your temple, and then he gently bit at the flesh of your earlobe.

"I said that you're pretty!" he repeated, his voice lifting from the music, and you laughed at him. Yeah, he was 100% drunk and you likely were going to have to take him home soon and get him to bed. It was almost endearing, though.

"Eddie, baby," you cooed with a smile, and you smoothed his wild waves from out of his eyes. He closed his eyes and offered his face to you like a puppy getting pet, and you laughed again. "You're so drunk!"

"Mmm, yeah," Eddie agreed, and a smile stretched across his pink mouth. "But you are really pretty! M'not just sayin' that 'cause I'm drunk."

"Alright, baby," you said plaintively, and you put your hand on his shoulder, smoothing it up to the back of his neck. You tugged him into a kiss, tasting the bitter alcohol on his lips, and he kissed you back. You only broke the kiss when Eddie tried to swipe his tongue inside your mouth, and you giggled at him. "Oh, drunk and horny! What a combo."

"Let's go home," Eddie told you. "I've been needin' to suck your tits since the moment I picked you up."

"Eddie!" you shushed him, even though you knew that nobody around you could hear him. "Jesus, alright, let's go, baby, before you say anything else crazy."

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