70. Y/n teaching eddie how to eat pussy

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content warnings: oral (afab reader receiving), eddie discovers he has a praise kink lmao

content warnings: oral (afab reader receiving), eddie discovers he has a praise kink lmao

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"what?" you stare at him, mouth agape, head cocked forward, with a weird tingle withering in between your legs at the mere sound of the words coming out of his mouth

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"what?" you stare at him, mouth agape, head cocked forward, with a weird tingle withering in between your legs at the mere sound of the words coming out of his mouth.

"i want to be good at it, y'know," he fumbles with the ring on his middle finger nervously. "for when i actually get a girlfriend."

you could tell he had been gathering the courage to tell you this all day, but he waited until you two had your daily after-school smoke session. his small bedroom room was starting to fill more and more with smoke as you passed the large joint back and forth. you sat on opposite corners of his bed from each other.

you find yourself speechless just in time for him to hand you the joint. you take a long hit as he looks at you expectingly. when you don't say anything after you let out the cloud of smoke, he throws his hands in the air. "so?"
you sigh, "okay, buddy. you're lucky i know what i'm doing down there." then hand him the j.

eddie's brows raise as his head tilts down curiously, "oh? so you've... done stuff down there?" he brings the joint to his mouth and sucks.

you laughed and rolled your eyes at him as you started to unbutton your jeans. "yeah, munson, i've done stuff down there, try not cream your pants."

he was lying on his stomach, head between your legs, already a little hard just from his face being so close to your naked cunt

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he was lying on his stomach, head between your legs, already a little hard just from his face being so close to your naked cunt.

you sigh, nerves in your stomach suddenly forming. you didn't realize how intimate this would be for some reason. you decided to only look at it through an educational lens. you were helping a friend, that's all.

"okay, um, i guess just start with your fingers." you say, peering down at him, torso propped up with your elbows. "but don't go.. in. just start around there."

he hovers his hand so close to your skin you can feel it's warmth. eddie's big brown eyes are bigger than ever as he looked at you, brow curving upward, waiting for your approval.

"yup, just uh, whatever feels right. i'll.. correct you." you wished you didn't sound so awkward.

three fingers spread your folds and explore the damp skin of your pussy. he goes slow, moving up and down around your labia, looking at you to tell him what to do next.

"right, so," you reach down and grab his wrist, guiding the tips of his fingers about three and a half inches upward, where your clit it. you exhale at the small sensation, "that little bead right there is my clit." eddie's hand stays in its place when you let go of his arm. "that's very important."

eddie nods, making the same motions as before but this time over your clit. you breath hitches as he goes at a tortuously slow pace, relaxing your arms and resting back onto eddie's pillows. "so, uh," you swallow, eyes fluttering shut. "yeah, that's... that's good."

he grins at your reaction. "wow, okay," you hear him mutter to himself. "what if i..." his voice trails as he picks up the pace.

a moan escaped from your lips before you can think to stop it. "y-yeah, mm," you begin to pant, until the pressure on your clit suddenly stops. you tilt your head forward to look at eddie, "why'd you stop?"

"you were supposed to teach me oral, remember?" his lip twitches into a small smile. "but i can keep going, if you really want me to."

"no, you're right." you feel your cheeks start to warm, and you try to remember exactly when the power dynamics switched here. "i mean, you basically do what you were doing with your tongue."

eddie chuckled, "that's it?"

"well- okay. i can't really explain it." you sighed, searching your brain to describe a sensation that felt indescribable. then you got an idea. you sit up a bit, "give me your hand."

eddie didn't even question you, just reaches up and holds his hand over your chest. you grab his pointer, and bend it so his knuckle right above his ring protrudes. god, were his hands always this fucking sexy?

you look to eddie, who looks utterly clueless as to what your about to do. "so you just, y'know..." you look again at the knuckle as you bring it to your lips and begin to suckle at it, practically making out with it.

you peer up at eddie, who's dumbstruck expression has faded into avid focus on his knuckle- until he sees you staring at him. when he stares back, you freeze. your mouth releases from his hand gently as you blink at him.

eddie swallows, "you want me to try that?" he practically whispers.

you give the smallest possible nod, humming a "mmhm" just loud enough for him to hear.

he holds onto your gaze has he lowers his face, spreading your folds with his tongue. he starts with simply brushing over your clit with his tongue, causing a huff out of you. you hear him mumble something but can't quite make it out.

"what did you say?" you ask.

he pulls his mouth away, "you're wetter. than before."

your mouth falls agape, a bit aghast by his words. then he -very slowly at first- mimics just what you were doing to his knuckle right on your clit.

your head falls back onto the pillows, but you're still holding onto his hand. you have to bend your leg extra wide so his shoulder can fit between your thighs. "oh god, that's really good eds." you say, a little breathless. you squeeze his hand every time he hits just the right spot, noises spilling from your mouth beyond your control.

eddie is rolling his hips into the mattress, also beyond his control. his groin starts to ache from how hard he is, but he doesn't care. all he cares about is earning another praise from your mouth about how good he's doing. he pays close attention to each little tug you give his fingers, each little whimper, so he can drive you closer to your climax.

"shit, eddie, holy fuck," you can't help but laugh, but this only causes him to suck harder onto your clit, your smile contorting into a gasp.

your full on moaning with each wave of pleasure that hits you at this point, squeezing his fingers with one hand and reaching down with the other to guide his head into a pounding rhythm.

eddie feels you grind against his face and he groans into your pussy, the vibrations sending a shock through your body. "i'm gonna cum, eddie, don't stop." you beg.

he doubles down and sucks even harder, and your back arches. a white hot pleasure washes over you as you writhe against his mouth, his eyes glued to you as he watches you cum. you feel him groan again against your clit, and your shoulders twitch from oversensitivity.

when he pulls away, a goatee of arousal coats his face. as you catch your breath, you lazily reach toward his lips and wipe a bit of wetness off with your thumb, then bring it back to your mouth to taste yourself. "so what was all this talk about getting a girlfriend?"

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