26. steve kisses eddie to shut him up ~ [steve harrington x eddie munson]

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the concept of steve kissing eddie to shut him up when he gets a little too sassy is something i live for.

like just imagine eddie making some smart ass comment about steve's car ("so /this/ is your shaggin' wagon? I expected better from you, steve") or steve's choice of wardrobe ("do you & wheeler's mom shop for clothes together?"), or steve's lack of lotr knowledge ("maybe spend more time cracking books and less time chasing skirt, and you'd know something"), the list goes on.

and steve has had enough. it's bad enough he has to listen to dustin being sarcastic & sassing him all day long, now he has to hear it from eddie? no sir, he isn't going to do it.

so, when eddie is in the middle of yet another sassy comment, steve grabs him by his vest, throws him against the nearest wall (or tree, whatever is in their current environment), and kisses him hard.

needless to say, that shuts eddie up pretty damn fast.

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