25. steve accidentally tells eddie that he loves him ~ [steve x eddie]

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the first time steve tells eddie that he loves him, it's a total accident.

it happens after sex, funnily enough. they're just lying in steve's bed, with eddie smoking a cigarette (something steve protests to hell, but hey, eddie looks good doing it so what's a little cigarette smoke gonna hurt?). steve is watching him, just in awe as always that this beautiful man is his. that eddie, who is into metal, d&d, plays in a band, and is the biggest nerd, would choose steve over someone more in his vein. it never ceases to amaze steve, not for one moment. he feels like the luckiest man in the whole world, every single day.

and he just watches eddie, taking drag after drag of the cigarette, his long hair a mess and some of it sticking to his sweaty face. the tattoos on his chest gleam with their own sheen of sweat, and the fingers of eddie's free hand run over one on his lower stomach. steve turns eddie's face to look at him, and steve is hypnotized. those big brown eyes-so sweet and full of an innocence he knew eddie, wild and mischievous, did not possess. he knows that for as much as eddie can sometimes annoy him, steve would kill for him. as long as he drew breath, no harm would ever come to eddie, if it could be helped.

steve's heart swells with love, and he kisses him so passionately that eddie is caught off guard. gone were the needy, messy, lust-filled kisses and here was one so full of love and just raw passion. eddie draws back long enough to put out the cigarette before kissing him back just as feverishly, and steve is kissing down his neck in a flash. breathy moans fall from eddie's lips, and that's when it happens.

"god, i love you."

eddie is frozen, wanting to make sure he heard correctly. steve doesn't even realize what he's done, not until eddie is pulling him up by his hair, a smirk on his lips as he says: "i'm going to need you to repeat that."

"repeat what?" steve asks, still unaware of his slip, too gone in this beautiful boy to have noticed.

"the thing about you loving me."

now it's steve's turn to freeze, and he feels his heart dropping into his stomach. he's scared, possibly more than he's ever been, which is saying a hell of a lot. but then he sees eddie's face, the smirk and the shining of his eyes, and he knows. it's safe. he can say it, and not be seen as stupid, or weird, or be turned down. he swallows, moving up to cup eddie's cheek and caress his cheek as steve grins.

"i love you."

eddie beams at him, kissing him before putting his forehead to steve's. "i love you, too. just one thing, though."

steve's immense joy at hearing eddie say it back is immediately replaced with worry. "what?"

eddie grins widely, and it's full of that smugness that steve knows all too well. "as much as i appreciate you calling me 'god,' can you maybe call me eddie next time?"

steve can't even roll his eyes. he's too busy pouncing on his giggling boyfriend, kissing him until both of them are breathless and dizzy and completely lost in love.

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