30. Very Pretty

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Eddie Munson x reader

Summary: You and Eddie are close friends, always together. A night alone in your room seems like the usual but this times different.

Warnings: smut, fluff, oral sex (f and m receiving), unprotected sex, swearing, all that great stuff

You and Eddie had been friends for quite some time now, always spending your free time together, whether that included him playing you new songs he had written or the two of you just cuddling up on the couch watching a film, you were always with o...

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You and Eddie had been friends for quite some time now, always spending your free time together, whether that included him playing you new songs he had written or the two of you just cuddling up on the couch watching a film, you were always with one another.

There wasn't much to do in Hawkins these days with star-court "burning down" but neither of you were ever bored, when you had each other to be with, even if it just meant hanging out and doing fuck all.

Things began changing between you both though, the way you saw him and how he saw you. You had noticed the change and you were sure he had too but neither of you brave enough to admit it. You found yourself focusing on how his hands looked strumming at his guitar, rings getting caught on the strings every now and then, hair in front of his face, concentrated look plastered on him. You analysed every little part and you realised your feelings for your friend had become deeper, your not sure when but you knew now.

He lost himself in you, watching you speak about the things you were interested in, your eyes lighting up, smile across your face, hands moving to further get your point across. He often brought up these conversations so he could watch you all over again. He knew he was fucked when you had asked him a question and he had no answer. Surely you noticed how he had been stupidly staring at you but he hoped not, not wanting to embarrass himself any more then he already had. He definitely had feelings deeper then a friendship for you, fuck he thought.

On one of your usual nights together you found yourselves inside the four walls of your bedroom. Both comfortably sitting on top of your dusty pink doona, you with your legs crossed, back against your head board while he faced you, one leg hanging of the side of your bed and the other resting on his thigh. You could feel that something felt different this time but you brushed it off.

"You're very pretty, you do know that?" His head bobbed down, eyes blinking up at you through his lashes when he asked the question, sheepish smile playing on his lips. You giggled and shoved him off, your face going slightly pink at the comment.

"And your bit of dork for a rockstar." you laughed.

"Hey!" He held his heart pretending to be hurt. You smiled back before silence began falling between the two of you. His own cheerful expression falling into something more intense, his eyes going to watch your lips. Your breath hitched in your throat with this new found vibe that had managed to settle amongst you.

He moved forward from his position on your bed, jewellery covered hand going to find its spot through your hair to rest at the nape of your neck as he pulled in to kiss you. You didn't hesitate to kiss back, softly before he snuck his tongue in to join yours. Your hands resting on his shoulders when he pulled you in closer to him, now on top, straddling his lap. Kissing you deeper, you felt goosebumps tickle the back of your neck, making there way down your body. You moved your hands from his shoulders to grab his face, pulling him in to kiss him harder, feeling it get more heated between you, wanting it to become more heated.

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