10. stress relief

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pairing: eddie munson x fem!reader

summary: reader is stressed out, and eddie knows a thing or two about relieving it.

warnings: oral sex (f receiving), overstimulation, vibrator use, cigarette smoking, and mentions of weed smoking and breast/nipple play. it's just filthy af.

There were many stresses in your life lately, and you didn't know where to begin in combating them

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There were many stresses in your life lately, and you didn't know where to begin in combating them. Your boyfriend, Eddie Munson, was doing his best at distracting you or making you feel better, and you were so grateful for his help. He would take you out, act goofy to make you laugh, bring your favorite stuff around as gifts, and he even let you sit in on practice with his band. None of it worked for very long, however, and you were back to square one. The weight of your worries was just too great, and you were concerned that nothing was going to help.

Until one night when things turned in a whole new direction.

Eddie had come over, bringing some weed with him as a remedy. It did the trick in the past well enough, and you were looking forward to lighting up and forgetting all the bullshit in your life for a while. He rolled a couple of blunts, and the two of you lay on your bed as you smoked. When your head was feeling a lot less jumbled and a lot more clear, you rolled over and kissed him passionately. He returned the kiss, a little harder than he usually did, and you mewled in response. His tongue was exploring your mouth, one of your hands in his hair as his began to wander. One delved under your shirt, his fingers caressing your nipple through your bra as it peaked under his touch. You whined against his mouth, your leg wrapping around his waist as his other hand slowly traveled your thigh. You gave his hair a harsh tug as he hissed, and then you broke the kiss with a smirk. You had a plan, one that had started forming as you kissed, and you were ready to put it into action.

You told him that you were going to sit at your desk and read for a little bit. Part of you truly did want to read for the pleasure of it; the book you were currently engrossed in was getting good, and you were anxious to see what happened next. But there was another part that eclipsed the desire to get answers, and that was to see how long it would take Eddie to get you back into bed. You could feel him getting hard against you while you made out, which made this little plan of yours all the more fun. You knew where it was going to lead, because making out after smoking pot together always led there, but tonight was different. High sex with Eddie was fun, and a hell of a lot wilder than sex when you weren't stoned off your asses, but you were in a teasing mood tonight. Maybe it was the stress, maybe it was the type of weed Eddie brought; whatever it was, though, you would soon be wondering just how in the hell it led to where it did.

You estimated that Eddie would last maybe ten minutes before he attempted to seduce you, but you had been seriously wrong. You weren't even finished reading two pages when he came up behind you, his lips on your neck as he began to suck the most sensitive area. You protested-not because you didn't want him to, but because you wanted him to think you were actually reading for fun and not as a ploy. He only hummed, gently biting your neck and shoulder before running his large hands over your chest. You leaned into him, moaning softly as he massaged your tits, his fingers caressing the hardening bud of your nipple beneath the clothes you wore.

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