Note ♥

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Hellooooooooooo buttercupseyyyyy!!!! ❤💜

Evlooo masamm achuu ipdiii kooptuuu😁❤happyyy tooo be here againnn!!

Elarukummmm niyabagammmm irukenn nenaikrenn!!!

Epdi irukinga elarummm??? I am doinggg good!!

First of all, solama kollama kanaponathukuuu my sincere apologies!!!!

Got busy with studies and so many things happening in personal life  , that was the main reason of me vanishing all of a sudden!! Manichuuuu !!!😄

Literally misseddd youuu alllll!!!! Soooo muchhhh!!! No matter what I can never leave my happy place!!

And yea inikuu than... I was likeee  putting up a notee and talk withhh you all nuu!! Elarmm howww doinghh??? Hope all is good!! ♥

And this is what happened in past few months.... About updates I have no idea as of noww... Let me know if you want me to write something up!! I won't leave my started work  "Ente hridayam💕" as if like that I will surely finish if off soonn!!
But for future, let me know your opinions and will write up when mind pops up with a boom!!

Do put your thoughts in comments leyyy!!!

Sorryyyy againnn!!! 🥺💗🫂


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