River Bend Pack 1

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Christian visits another wolf pack, what would happen?

Christian entered the dimly lit room with Jessie by his side. "This place is packed to the brim." he told her.

She chuckled. "That's what happens when there is a newly crowned alpha in a troupe. There are at least two representatives for each pack to congratulate him or her and try getting on their good side."

"Then why did grandpa wolf send me here?" Christian asked. "I mean, I'm hopeful this is his way of inviting me back into the Long-tail pack but."

"But it seems too good to be true." Jessie finished his thoughts.


"It's no wonder Jason kept messaging and calling you on our ride out here."

Christian blew a raspberry. "He has this crazy notion that I won't come back home or something."

"Notion?" Jessie raised her brow at him.

"Not you too." Christian exasperated. "Jason got me a word of the day calendar, so there."

Jessie happily patted him on the back. "I didn't mean any harm by it; it just came as a surprise is all."

"You've been spending too much time with Ashley and Roger recently."

"Let's save this topic for after the party." Jessie said. "Now, let's go in and greet the crowned alpha of the River Bend pack." Christian sulked as Jessie guided him deeper inside the spacious room and attracted attention from the other guests.

"Why is everyone staring at us?" Christian mumbled to his red headed sister.

"Not sure." she muttered back. "I don't see many people with red hair, so that could be why."

They made their way through the crowd as they talked amongst themselves and when they approached the throne chair, there was a dark handsome man in his late twenties that was speaking to other representatives. When they left, he slouched as if being bored when he sniffed the air and looked shocked when Christian and Jessie stood in front of him.

"Alpha Dean?" Jessie spoke up. "We are here upon our grandfather, Lyon Long-tail's request."

"Is this some kind of sick joke?" one of the men standing next to Alpha Dean questioned them. "Long-tails don't have hair like that."

"Sorry our mom married a red headed count and inherited his red hair." Jessie elbowed an annoyed Christian.

"And what's this omega doing here? This occasion is alphas and betas only."

Christian and Jessie looked at one another. "Grandpa wolf never specified such a thing."

"Obviously this is an attempt to insult our pack as well as our newly crowned alpha."

"It is alright." Alpha Dean spoke in a deep husky voice. "Please come forward."

"But sir."

"That is an order, Duke." Duke gritted his teeth before reluctantly stepping aside.

Christian and Jessie cautiously approached Alpha Dean. "We are very sorry for the mix-up." Jessie told him. "My grandfather specifically asked for the two of us and never mentioned anything else."

"It is quite alright." he checked Christian out and smiled at him. "Just be sure to keep a close eye on this little fellow. There's a reason why omegas aren't usually allowed here." Christian bristled when he noticed guests eyeing him like prey.

"We'll keep things on the downlow." Jessie assured Alpha Dean.

"Good." he noticed a gift in Christian's hands. "Is that for me?"

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