[NSFW] 50 - 4: Lustful Memories

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That memory of the thick, creamy white material, the little drops that splattered on his chest when he split, oh, it took her right back to that first night together.


The very first time she took advantage of him, loving, stroking with no expertise. That man down there was her subject, her experiment, and he was in her control.

She could remember so clearly his frail side and his body, resting there on her bed's mattress. He would glorify her name and let her do anything she pleased with him.

He did not have the strength to contend with her. There was nothing he could do. He was emancipated from his shackles without realizing it when her fingers threaded through his shirt and down his belt.

When his liquid poured over her fingers, how could she have forgotten the sound of his voice calling her name?

She saw his eyes flutter closed as he fell asleep, having given himself over to Hypnos in surrender.

It was then that she at last looked at her hands. For a time, his release lingered in her hands and left an indelible impression on her mind.

The substance was warm even though the night was frigid. It was there in her fingertips, she sensed.

What she did, it was addictive. She desired to repeat it.

How did she muster the bravery to act in this way? Her own self-answer was unintelligible. If he asked, she would never be able to say, for heavens' sake.

Perhaps she believed it to be her final encounter with him and she let her heart to guide her decision.

When she wanted to seize control one more time, where was her courage?

Athanasia recoiled a little at the sound of approaching footfall. Subtle thumps resounded off the tiles and she was abruptly brought back to the present.

Her gaze swept over his form. His stance exuded confidence amid the stark, brilliant light he was walking beneath.

His trademark smirk surfaced as they locked eyes. His expression showed not the slightest sign of shame while Athanasia ducked from his focused stare.

Her eyes darted about, never too far from his body. The lights in the room was blessing her. Having a clear view of everything made her breathless.

While she had seen him many time before, this was undoubtedly her first time studying it. In the end, she gulped heavily at the stiffened rod and stared at it unashamedly.

He was long and thick, curved just right, tip glistening with so much of his own material. The vein's vascularity and condition told volumes about how he had been taking care of and restoring his body to his prime.

She was struck again by a sharp memory from that evening. A quiver went through her hand at the notion.

His rapid closing of the remaining distance between them left her with no time to think.

Placing one hand on the counter and the other on her thigh, Lucas stood. His amused gaze was met with a slight slant of his head. His crimson eyes held her in place.

"Do you want to practice or do we move on to the main course?"

Her eyes, adorned with jewels, gleamed brilliantly even though her mouth trembled. She talked incoherently, blush spreading across her face.

"Oh?" He hummed, entertained by her reaction. "You're red."

"Ca-can you stu-sTop-asking...! For once...?!"

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