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School was the worst. The bullies had a ravenous mood today, so they laughed at me, said a lot f foul language about me, teased me, and took my stuff, which I never got back. I said a few sassy remarks, but that didn't help. So for the rest of the day I kept my head down and on my free period I headed straight to the library, a place nobody went to.

I was glad and not glad when I heard the bell ring. It meant I had to head for the last period of the day but it also meant I had to leave the library. I packed up my things and headed to my locker to get my books.

"Hey Annienerd," I roll my eyes at the stupid bully.

"Really? Annienerd? That's so weak, what are we in 2nd grade?" I remark. The guy stays stunned, lowers his head and walks away.

That got rid of him I thought

I got my books and headed to the last period of the day.

~ The Dam Time Skip ~

I had never been so relieved to be home. And that's saying something. I went up to my room, and buried myself in my soft pillows. Just as my eyes were about to flutter shut, my dad called a family meeting. I still didn't understand why we had those, but he says so that we know about each other's lives. I groaned and went downstairs and sat on the couch.

"I have great news! I just got a new job offer - in New York!" My dad said. Once I processed what he just said, a smile grew on my face.

"Are you going to take it?" I ask hopefully. He nods and my smile grows even bigger. "When are we moving?"

"In two weeks," he answered.

"That's wonderful dear. I'm happy for you. We need to celebrate this with-"

"Cake!" the boys shouted, interrupting her. Helen rolls her eyes at their outburst but agrees to it.

Helen, dad, and the boys started getting ready to get the cake.

"Are you sure you don't want to come with us sweet pea?" My dad asked.

"No, I'm fine, I'll be okay with whatever you choose," I say. They say good bye to me and head out the door. I reached my phone from my pocket and went to Percy's contact.

Me: Percy guess what

Seaweed Brain: wat?

Me: I'm moving back to New York in 2 weeks!

Seaweed Brain: realy? thats amazing! now we'll get to go to school together! just like old times

Me: Yeah, I miss life in New York, I can't wait to see you again

Seaweed Brain: me too. I gtg Annie, ttyl

Me: Got it see ya

Seaweed Brain: cya

I couldn't believe I was moving back to New York! This day couldn't get any better.

I decided to get a head start on dinner and once everyone else came, it was already done.

"It smells lovely Annabeth. Thank you," Helen compliments.

"No problem," we put the cake in the fridge and decided to have an early dinner. After an hour after finishing we had our celebration cake.

And that night I fell asleep with a smile on my face.

Hey guys! Welcome to another chapter! I would like to say that this book might be about 20-30 chapters long. If you check out my other it was 38 chapters long (39 including the epilogue)

Thanks for reading! Updating when we reach 25 views and 6 votes! Bye!

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