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Who knew that only 2 words could send chills down my spine. And the fact that I was there next victim was terrifying. There is so much I want to do with my life and because of this I might not be able to do anything.

I had always wanted to be in a horror movie but now that my life was a horror movie it ain't so pleasant.

Because of that note I was more self conscious of myself and when I went to school I very aware of my surroundings.

But during Math which was the period before lunch, there sounds of gunshots. I heard glass breaking. We went under our desks, my heart racing. The teacher was also huddled under her desk her face filled with worry.

After 5 minutes the gunshots were over bad we all got up looking at each other.

"Is everyone okay?" The teacher asked, we all nodded and everyone started whispering among them selves. I made contact with Jason and his face expression also showed worry. We heard the speaker and heard the principal talking.

"Hello students. Because of the current event we are dismissing all students early. Not to worry everything's being handled and we are notifying your parents immediately. There will be no school for the rest of week so we'll see u all next week. Thank you." Everyone started grabbing there things and started leaving the classroom.

"Hey man. You good?" Jason asked as he caught up with me.

"Yeah. You?" He nodded.

"That was pretty scary." I nodded in agreement.

"Jace, I'll text you later. I have to find Annabeth." He nodded and we split paths. Annabeth was already at my car.

"Are you okay?" She shook her head revealing another piece of paper.

"This was on your car." She said handing to me.

Percy Jackson, 

This is only a warning. But next time... blood will be spilling. 

"Well that's reassuring." She took and the peice of paper reading it herself.

"We'll talk about it when we get home. Let's go." We got in the car and the whole way was silent. We arrived and and Mr. Chase came down the stairs his face surprised.

"What are you doing here? Did something happen at school?" He asked.

"There was a shooting." Annabeth said.

"Are you two okay? Was anyone hurt?" he asked. We shook our heads.

"Good. Is there anything I can do?"

"No but thanks dad." We both headed up to her room and we heard his voice behind us.

"Keep the door 5 inches opened!" Annabeth's face turned red at that and I took out the paper studying it once more.

"You need to do something about this." She said.

" I know and I will but right now I just want to forget about this and enjoy my life. Or at least what I can of it." She gave me a sympathetic smile and hugged me tightly.

"Wanna bake some blue cookies? They won't be as good as your moms though." I nod smiling and we both change into clothes appropriate for getting messy and went downstairs. We got our ingredients and started. When I was putting in the flour Annabeth scolded me for putting too much so I got a bit of the flour that was from the bowl and threw at her. Her face was priceless.

"Perseus Jackson! You are so going to pay for that!" She grabbed a bunch of flour from the bag and put it all over my face and hair.

So that's how it began. We grabbed a bunch of flour and just threw it at each laughing and smiling while we looked like clowns but we didn't care. 

Best Friends to Lovers (Percabeth AU)Where stories live. Discover now