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I was at Piper's house trying to find a 'nice outfit.' Honestly what was wrong with sweatpants and a hoodie?

But no, she just had to give me a 'better outfit.' She was a tomboy but with things like these her 'Aphrodite' was showing.

"Oh my god this looks amazing! Now a few more touches and we'll leave," Piper said, giving me a sequin leather jacket and a very short dress.

"You want me to where that?!" I said pointing to the dress, in disgust. "That's way too short."

"That's the point" she said going into the bathroom. I put the dress away and find a plain white tank top and some jeans. This would look good. I shrug and go into the bathroom and change. I found Piper waiting for me, her arms crossed across her chest. She tilted her head to the side, shrugging.

"It's better than sweatpants and a hoodie," and then she helped me with my hair and soon we were off. When we arrived, we heard music blasting, beers on the ground or in people's hands.

"Pipes? Where are the adults?" I yell over the music.

"Almost everyone here." my face scrunched up in confusion. "Most people here are 18 years old. That's technically an adult." I slapped my palm to my forehead and shook my head. She grabbed my hand and pulled me to the crowd of teenagers. I wasn't the sociable type. I hated being in big groups and I hated that Piper dragged me down here.

I saw couples making out in the halls, some just talking, and others drinking beer and alcohol.

"I'll introduce you," Piper said. We reached two people, the girl had caramel colored skin, and curly brown hair that reached her shoulders, she looked younger than me and Piper. She was talking to a guy who had blonde hair, a scar on his upper lip, and sky blue eyes.

"Hey! This is Annabeth, she's new. She moved back here from San Francisco," they both smiled at me. The girl extended her arm for a handshake and I did.

"I'm Hazel, this is Jason," she introduced smiling. I saw Piper blush when Jason gave her a small wave. Looks like this was the crush Percy was talking about the other day. I gave him a small wave and he returned it. Percy approached us, wrapping an arm around Jason's shoulders.

"Hey bro."

"What up bro?"

"I missed you bro."

"I missed you too bro."

"I swear if you say bro again, I will barf," Piper said interrupting there little bro-fest.

"I love you bro," Percy said, making Piper roll her eyes.

"I love you too bro."

"Y'all need a break from each other," Hazel said chuckling.

"How can they? They're related and see each other every day," a girl popped up between Jason and Percy, wrapping an arm around their shoulders. She had black hair and black clothes and looked very emo. Although I couldn't notice she had the same color eyes as Jason.

"Annie, this is Thalia, Jason's sister and my cousin," Percy said pointing to Thalia.

"Oh you're cousins." I mentally slapped myself for being stupid. Of course they're cousins, they literally just told me that.

"Damn, blondie can't catch up?" Thalia muttered. I gave her a cold hard glare.

"Excuse me? You think that just because I'm a blonde, you think I'm dumb?" I take one step closer to her not breaking my stare.

"Annie. Leave it alone. She didn't mean it," Percy said, putting a hand on my shoulder. She looked at me tilting her head looking at me up and down as if judging me. She extended her hand for a hand shake and I hesitantly shook it shooting a confused glance at Percy. He just shrugged.

Best Friends to Lovers (Percabeth AU)Where stories live. Discover now