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Over the next few months me and Luke's relationship had been going really strong. I was finally getting used to holding hands, pet names, and kissing in public. And Percy's girlfriend hadn't been getting any nicer. She was always threatening me saying that I 'shouldn't steal Percy away from her.' Did she not understand that I have a boyfriend?! 

But sometimes I feel like Luke was being distant from me. I felt like he was always busy or making up excuses to be somewhere else. He says he's busy but I have my doubts but I really don't say anything. I don't want to endanger our relationship.  

"Hey Luke. You wanna grab a quick Starbucks before last period?" I ask him. He looks up from his phone, shutting it off and putting it in his back pocket.

"Sorry, I actually have to do something right now. But how about we do it later today after school?" I gave him a small smile nodding. 

"Sure, no problem," he kisses my cheek and walks the other direction. We were dismissed early so I had a lot of minutes to spare. I walk the other direction Luke went to, looking for Piper. 


I went to the bathroom, staying in the stall doing absolutely nothing except playing on my phone. Just as I was done I heard a voices outside the stalls. 

"Bro are you still with the blonde chick, uh what was her name?" 

"I think it was Annabelle or something." another voice said and the person who was talking was Luke. 

"Annabeth. Yeah I'm still with her." 

"Aren't you also with Jackson's girlfriend? Destiny or something?" another voice asked. 

"Hell yeah. But it ain't really easy being with them though. they're a lot of work," Luke answered. I clenched my fists. I had never liked Luke and now I know I was right.

"Dam you a player man. Have you been in bed with them yet?" I looked through the crack, Luke was shrugging. 

"Yeah. Destiny's fun if you know what I mean," I grimaced as his friends laughed. 

"What about Annabeth?" another one of his croonies asked. 

"I've been trying but never works out, try to get her to come to my place after school but she always denies. I'm planning on breaking up with her tonight. And guys guess what. She just had her first kiss a few months ago. Gosh it was hilarious! She's like 16, most people already lost there virginity by then." Luke said, cue more laughter from his croonies. 

This was the worst, Luke was talking behind Annabeth's back, he was cheating on her, Destiny was cheating on me and Luke was treating Annabeth like she's some pet or dog he can just boss around and poor Annabeth was playing right into it. 

I finally get out of the stalls and everyone just looks at me. Luke jumps off the sink and walks over to me. 

"Nobody knows what you just heard us saying. Okay. No one should know," Luke said, his face close to mine. I step back waving my hand in my face, grimacing.

"Ever heard of mouthwash? 'Cause you sure do need it," I say and he steps back his face red. I leave the restroom after washing my hands and Luke follows me with his croonies following him. 

"Stop treating Annabeth like she's your pet you can just boss around and toy with. She's a human being too and you should treat her like one," I say, he scoffs. 

"And who's going to stop me? You?" he towered over me talking with such confidence. "Or are you going to cry to your mommy?" 

"Don't talk about my mom," I say. 

Best Friends to Lovers (Percabeth AU)Where stories live. Discover now