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I started waking up as I felt the movement of Annabeth's hand running through my hair.

"Did I wake you?" She asked not stopping.

"Not really," I lied. She started massaging my scalp making me slightly moan.

"Dam Annabeth, that feels nice," she smiled and I closed my eyes relaxing.

I opened once again looking at Annabeth. Her beautiful intimidating grey eyes, her blonde hair with princess curls, her soft kissable lips. This girl is amazing. I closed the gap between us and I felt her smile against my lips, lazily draping her arms around my neck.

We soon broke apart for air and she grinned at me.

"What was that for?" She asked.

"Am I not allowed to kiss my amazing beautiful girlfriend?"

"It just seemed out of the blue, that's all." She smiled and she continued massaging my scalp.



"Do you ever think that there's a future for us?" She furrowed her eyebrows.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"Don't you ever think that when we grow up... after college of course, we would get married and have children together?" I say bluntly. I look at her face expression and she didn't say anything. "You know what never mind it's stupid. I should've never brought it." She kissed my cheek.

"No no it's not. It's sweet. Honestly I've been thinking about too. I just never wanted to bring it up because I thought that it was too early to be talking about a future together. I love you Seaweed Brain," he rested his forehead on mine, lacing our fingers together.

"Love you too Wise Girl." We stayed in that position for who knows how long.


Today was the first day back to school. I absolutely love school but I don't really want to. Everything's going to be so different. People are going to most definitely going to treat me differently and who knows how. But I had my friends. Especially Percy, to help me.

We got out of the car and immediately students started talking, whispering, and staring. Percy grabbed my hand, lacing his fingers through mine, giving it a short little squeeze. We started walking towards the entrance, Paul following behind us. As soon as we entered the school all conversations were cut short as people staring at us. I huddled close to Percy so very glad that his locker was close to mine. And thankfully we bumped into a familiar face. Or faces. Piper smiled big giving us big hugs.

"It's so great that you guys are back! Everyone's missed you!" Piper said and I looked around, all the people staring looked away.

"It doesn't seem like it," I say.

"Are you kidding me? Everyone misses you. Everyone's talking about y'all." Hazel said. Is that a good thing or a bad thing? I thought to myself. We continued walking down the hallway until we reached our lockers. Me and Percy got our books for the next period and continued talking with our friends.

And soon the bell ring dismissing all of us to our first periods. Percy gave me small kiss on the lips, mouthing 'I love you.' Smiling I mouthed 'I love you too.' The first time me and Percy were going to leave each other's side. Giving my hand a short squeeze Percy winked and we went to our first periods.

_ Dam Time Skip_ (cause I'm lazy)

Along with the other students I left the school with a huge smile on my face. I made it. I made it through a whole day of school without bullies and without getting a lot of weird stares. This was an accomplishment. Percy walked over to me, a big smile on his face.

"We did Wise Girl. We made it through a whole day," I kiss his cheek, resting my forehead on his.

"Yup, we did. And we got a whole lot of homework too," he groaned and he cutely pouted.

"Don't remind me," he whined. His face lit up again. "I checked with Coach Hedge and if the doctors allow it I could rejoin the swim team!" He looked very very happy.

"But what about all your scars on your chest and your arms? Don't you think that it would be a good idea to cover them?" I gently traced my arm over one of the scars he had on his bicep and he looked at the scar and shuddered. His face looked as if he were reliving the moment and I couldn't blame him if he did. All the scars he had, that I had they all brought up horrible flashbacks.

"I mean everyone knows what we've been through, so it wouldn't be that bad right?" I gently pat his shoulder.

"I myself have horrible flashbacks when I look at my scars and if you keep on looking at them more and more are hustling going to keep going. I think it's be best if you covered yourself, maybe until the scars fade away a little bit. But if you want to do it so badly it's not my position to stop you," he gives me a small smile.

"Swimmings my passion, so if the doctors give me the green light, I'll see how it goes and maybe I'll reclaim my spot on the team."

"Good. Now let's go, I see Paul waving to us," I grab his hand and we both walk over to Paul's Prius, getting inside.

"So how was the first day back to school?" He asked, leaving the school parking lot.

"Overwhelming," I answer. He chuckled.

"I can't imagine how it could have been for the two of you. After everything you've been through.... If you need anything don't be afraid to tell me."

"Thanks Paul." And the rest of the ride was pure silence.


I got to my room, putting all my homework on the desk, groaning at how much I had to finish. Annabeth considered it an easy task but this was surely going to take hours for me to finish. Annabeth at next to me also unloading all her homework.

"It's not going to be that bad Seaweed Brain." Ibrest my head on her shoulder.

"Yes it willlll," I whined.

"Come on Percy, we can do it. I'm right here if you need anything," I lifted my head and we started our homework. And about quarter way through I stopped.

"Come on Percy," I shrugged.

"You know my brain needs to have breaks to function."

"Yeah I know... so what do you want to do?" I sit on my bed cross cross.

"I don't know," she said sitting across from me, bringing her homework along with her.

"Seriously Annabeth, why are such a nerd?" She rolls her eyes and ignores me.

"Shut up. I want to finish the homework early so that I have a bunch of free time," she explained, not raising her eyes from the piece of paper.

I lay on my bed, closing my eyes not expecting to go sleep but things didn't go exactly according to plan.

Hey y'all! Happy New Years! It is 2023!! Woo hoo! I made this chapter extra long for you all or as long as I could make it. Thanks you all for the reads, we are so close to 1K and I can't thank you all enough! Enjoy 2023! I'll see y'all in the next chapter! Byeeee!

Best Friends to Lovers (Percabeth AU)Where stories live. Discover now