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Today was my game. I was really pumped about it. I had been practicing harder than ever before and I'm not going to lie, it feels weird having my shirt off, my scars exposed to every person watching the game. But I didn't have that many.

Only a few on my biceps and like about 8 on my back and chest. Like I said... not that many.

Everyone else had left the locker room but I was still in here, fiddling with the hem of my towel. Taking in a deep breath I walked out the doors and the cheers from the audience increased. I felt better after this. I knew I was encouraged and safe. I locked eyes with Annabeth and I gave her a wink and a smirk. Although the group of girl sitting in front of the them thought it was for them. 

After getting settled in the water we took our places. I was the last person to swim a lap because in case we were falling behind, I could probably bring us to back to first. And on Coach's count the game begun.

_ Dam Time Skip _

I moved my legs, as hard as I can trying to catch up to the swimmer that had already started before me. I had to win this.

For the team...

For the school...

For my dad...

I mustered all I could into my legs, soon getting a head of the guy by a head. He didn't seem to like that and he sped up and now we were neck and neck.

We were almost done... but I had to win this. I kicked and kicked now fully ahead of him. I heard the crowd start cheering as I started getting closer. And I did it. The crowd went while and Coach started yelling things into the megaphone. I got out of the pool, slinging the towel over my shoulders. The other swimmer came my way.

"Good game?" I smile and she rolls his eyes, shoving past me.

How rude

I saw my friends running at me, Annabeth jumped in my arms hugging me.

"I'm so proud of you! I knew you could do it!" I smirked.

"Did you doubt me?" She shook her head.

"Not one bit," I lowered her so now she was standing and the everyone gave me a fist bump, my mom giving a huge hug.

"I'm so proud of my baby boy!" She ruffled my wet hair, then wiped her hands off on my towel.


I went to grab my things, unfortunately bumping into Claire and Drew along with a few of their croonies.

Hey Annabitch," I rolled my eyes.

"What do you want?" Claire put on a innocent face.

"To talk of course," Drew said.

"And why would you want to do that?"

"Because you have something that Claire wants. Percy Jackson," I roll my eyes. Not this again.

"Look it's not his fault he broke up with you. Maybe it was your bitchy attitude or maybe the fact that you cheated on him," she scoffed.

"So what? We broke up after me and Percy did. Besides hasn't he ever heard of forgive and forget?" Claire shrugged.

"If he has then he'd probably still be your boyfriend. But guess what he's not. So now move out the way or I'll push you into the pool," I finished with a innocent smile and they moved out the way.

I walked past them but without knowing they pushed me into the pool. I had thankfully left my bag on the surface.


I heard a splash from the pool. Annabeth still hadn't come back and soon I saw a blonde girl emerge from the water.

To show my beautiful and now wet girlfriend. I passed the crowd and reached out my hand to help her out. But she misunderstood the message and pulled me in with her.

"Annabeth!" She smiled and laughed.

"You want to play like that? Okay fine," I dived in, grabbing Annabeth's leg, pulling her in with me. After a few seconds she left my grasp and went to the surface and I followed shortly. I wrapped my arms around her waist, her arms around my neck. I now stared at the crowd of people who were now staring at us, which I found weird. More people started leaving but there was still a good amount of people.

"If these people want a show then we'll give them a show," I whisper in her ear. I tilted her chin so we locked eyes and I brought her in a kiss. And we dove underwater.

And it was pretty much the best underwater kiss of all time.

Hey y'all! I just had end the chapter there! And thank you all for the reads. I have school tomorrow and probably won't update as much as i usually do. Thanks for the reads! I appreciate it all! I'll see y'all in the next chappie! Byeee!

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