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It's been two months since Percy asked me to be his girlfriend and our relationship was going really strong. He was really sweet and caring but whether or not he was my boyfriend he was always like that. Right now me and Percy were laying his bed in silence.

"I'm bored. Can we do something?" he asked.

"I can read to you," I asked.

"Will it be a boring book?" he asked. I shake my head and he nods. I get up and head over to Tyson's room where he had the better books.

"Is it fine if I borrow this?" he nods and I thank him. I go back to Percy's bedroom, snuggling with him. I open to the first page of the Peter Johnson and the Olympians book and started reading. My back was pressed against Percy's chest, he had his arms wrapped around my waist, and he buried his face in the crook of my neck.

I finished the first 5-8 chapters or so and put the book down and changed my position. So now I was facing him. I looked at him, flicking some hair off his forehead. He opened an eye and then opened the other.

"I'm just so good looking that you can't keep your eyes off me." I playfully slap his chest.

"You wish. I just thought you fell asleep."

"Couldn't." He took a deep breath. "I got another note earlier."

"What did it say?"

"Don't think we forgot about you. Don't think that you're safe.... 'cause believe us you're not." I grabbed one of his hands lacing our fingers together.

"I thought you weren't getting those notes anymore."

"I thought so too but it looks like it hasn't."

"I don't want anything to happen to you." He rested his forehead on mine, closing his eyes.

"I don't want anything to happen to you because of me."

"Never. We're together forever."

"Together forever." He gave my hand a short tight squeeze.

"You know... my parents left a few minutes ago. You wanna raid the fridge?" I smiled, getting up.

"Race you down." I got off the bed and raced down, Percy following me. I went to fridge and pulled out the plate with the last two blue cookies. He tried grabbing the plate but I was too fast for him.

"Maybe I should have one now and one later," Percy shook his head.

"Please let me have one."

"You can never be too greedy when it comes to blue cookies," he pouted.

"I hate it when you use my own words against me." I smiled sitting on the kitchen island.

"Those are the last two cookies! Can I please have one." He had his puppy dog eyes and they were too cute to resist. I had always been manipulated whoever he did the cute puppy dog eyes but instead I looked away.

"I mean I do have a few things in mind." I put the plate behind me so that he wouldn't take them away from me. He raised an eyebrow, his face getting much closer to mine, feeling his hot breath on my cheeks.

"Like what?" I pressed my lips on to his, placing both my hands on his shoulder. I wrapped my legs around his waist while he ran a hand through my hair, the other one placed on my hip. He deepened the kiss, pulling me closer to him and I ran both my hands through his hair, slightly tugging it, making him let out a soft moan. I twirled the hairs at the nape of his neck, smiling against his lips. My hands reached the hem of his shirt, slowly pulling it up, I pulled it above his head, throwing the shirt on the sofa. I looked at his bare chest and looked at his well defined 6 pack, broad shoulders, and muscular biceps. Once I realized I was staring I blush, looking at the ground. He chuckled softly, lifting my chin and pressing his soft lips to mine. His lips left mine as he started kissing my jaw and down my neck. He shivered as my cold hand made contact with his bare chest. Once he hit my soft spot I moaned, a sound I never thought I'd ever make. I felt him smile against my skin, still kissing and sucking on my neck. This kept on happening for a while until I heard the door open and saw Sally and Estelle at the door, eyes wide. Sally put a hand over Estelle's eyes. Percy didn't hear the door open and close and still kept going at it. I kicked his thigh and he stepped back, rubbing the spot.

"Ow. Why'd you do that?" He asked rubbing the spot. I give him a type of glance and he scrunches his face, confused. He turned around and I couldn't see what his reaction was but he just stood there, speechless.

"Look, I love you guys and the fact that you're together brings joy to my heart. But please don't make out on my island. And keep your lips to yourself, I don't want grandchildren this early. Perseus put a shirt on." Percy quickly went to grab his shirt sloppily putting it on, his face red.

I hopped off the island and helped Sally with the groceries. Percy came up behind me, kissing the top of my head, whispering in my ear.

"Do I still get the blue cookie?" I roll my eyes, smiling at his childlessness.

"Sure, just give me one," he grinned handing me one and gobbled his in one bite.

"What were you doing on Annabeth's neck Percy?" Estelle asked. Me and Percy both turned red and Sally looked at her son, an eyebrow raised and a grin grew in her face.

"Tell her Percy. What exactly were you doing?" She asked. Percy stuttered, his face still very red.

"Well- I- uhm. You see when two people love each other very much-"

"Percy. Nope. Don't say a word about that." Stella looked confused and looked at Percy and then Sally and back and forth. Percy grinned.

"You told me to tell her so that's what I'm doing," Sally rolls her eyes playfully as Percy gives her a cheeky smile.

"I have to go. I'll see you tomorrow!" Just as I was about to leave Percy stopped me.

"Wait! Can I drive you?"

"Seaweed Brain, I can walk to my house."

"But what kind of boyfriend would I be if I let you walk?" I roll my eyes playfully.

"Percy, just let me walk home. I need to get a few things off my mind," he grabbed my hand before I could leave the house.

"Tell me." I nudge my head to the right and he nods. We both went outside and closed the door behind us.

"So tell me. What's on your mind?" I cross my arms across my chest.


"I already knew that." I playfully slap his chest.

"Don't get so cocky there. What I meant is that I'm worried about you. I don't want us getting separated again because of the letters you keep getting. I don't want anything to happen to you, I love you too much for that." Me and Percy had never said the L word together and that was the first saying it to each other. He smiled.

"I love you too Annabeth and don't worry. We'll do this together. We're a team remember? Percabeth." I grab his hand kissing it.

"Percabeth." I wrap my arms around his waist, bringing him into a hug. He kissed the top of my head, resting his chin on it.

"I had fun earlier," he said and I blush burying my face in his chest as he recalled our little make out session earlier.

"Shut up."

"Don't act like you didn't enjoy it either," he said.

"Not the part where your mom saw us. God that was so embarrassing" Percy chuckled again holding me closer.

"But your face was priceless."

"I hate you."

"You love me." I roll my eyes once again. I break apart from the hug and kiss his cheek.

"I got to go. Love you." He kissed my forehead.

" I love you too." And for the rest of the day I only thought about how in love I was with Percy Jackson.

Hey guys! There were some cringy parts in this chapter and I'm sorry you had to read that but there was also some pretty heated Percabeth in here too! Thank you guys so much for the reads and votes! It's almost winter break so I should be updating a lot more sooner! I'll be updating at 235 reads and 38 votes!

Best Friends to Lovers (Percabeth AU)Where stories live. Discover now