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Me and Annabeth were in Central Park eating our ice cream. I got blueberry flavor and she got lemon ice cream. We sat together our arms linked, talking about random things in life.

We stayed in a comfortable silence for a little while. I looked around Central Park taking in the breathtaking view until I saw a familiar face. A face that I had never wanted to see again in my whole life. My ex stepfather.....

Gabe Ugliano.

My eyes widened at the sight and my heart started racing. He had an evil grin on his face and he held an wallow talkie to his mouth and started talking in it.

"Annabeth. We got to go. Like right now."

"Why?" She asks.

"I saw Gabe." Her scrunches up in confusion.

"Gabe as in your ex stepfather. I thought he was still in jail."

"I just saw him. He's here so we have to go now," she nods and we both leave Central Park, trashing our empty ice cream cups and start running. I looked behind us and saw Gabe coming after us. For an old guy he was pretty fast. We picked up pace and continued running for who knows how long. We took a turn down the ally way and saw that it was a dead end. We saw Gabe behind us blocking the only entrance we had of escaping.

"What do you want Gabe?" I ask backing up until I hit the wall. He stepped forward his eyes showing pure evil.

"I want you to suffer. You put me in jail for 5 years and now I'm going to get my revenge." He whistled and 5 other guys wearing black cloaks appeared out of the shadows, knives in there hands.

"I'm going let you guys do the rest. Have fun." Gabe said and left, leaving me and Annabeth surrounded by 5 cloaked guys with weapons in there hands. Me and Annabeth got into a fighting position. They started attacking us, we dodged most of there attacks but also got cut in the way. My shirt was now ripped, blood dripping from it, I had a cut in my forehead, and my bicep. I looked at Annabeth who has many more cuts than me and looked like was about to pass out from the amount of blood she had lost. I helped her defend the guys she was attacking with and she got back on her feet, fighting again. We both threw some good kicks and punches and although it made them a tiny bit weaker they still kept on fighting. Before u could throw another punch, someone from behind me put a piece of cloth on my mouth and nose quite aggressively and soon everything went black.

I woke up, my head pounding. I tried moving my hand but it was chained to the floor as were my feet. I looked at surroundings and saw that I was in a prison cell. I looked at the cell next to me and saw a blonde girl curled up into a small ball.

"Annabeth?" My voice was raspy and she looked up.


"Annabeth are you okay?" she slightly nodded.

"Yeah are you. Where are we?" I looked around once again.

"I have no idea. But the main thing is that we're together and we're okay... ish." she slightly smiled. I heard footsteps coming our way and two hooded clocked figures opened me and Annabeth's cell door and came inside de-attaching our chains. They pointed a gun to our heads and in a deep gruff voice they said "Move."

They took us to some room where we saw a desk with a chair that was turned around. The clocked figures sat us down in chairs, there guns still pointed to our heads.

"Percy Jackson. Long time no see," the chair spun around showing a middle aged man.

"Who are you?" I ask. He put his hand on his heart, pretending to be offended.

"How do you forget about your dear Uncle Kronos?" my dad had a younger brother Kronos but I had never met him.

"What do you want with us? Why are we here?"

"Because... I want to take away all the things that made your father happy. Your father was always the favorite one. He had the good looks, the good grades, the better girls. While I was always in his shadow. I was the disappointment."

"I don't doubt that one bit," I mutter under my breath. He slam his hands on the desk.

"Nephew don't forget that you have a gun pointed to your head. On my word, they can pull the trigger. So watch your dam mouth," I gulped shutting my mouth. Annabeth reached over and held my hand, giving it a tight squeeze.

"As I was saying. I hated my brother. So I want to take away all good things from his life. Now nephew, your mom said your father was lost at sea. But is that the truth?" he smirked evilly. My breathing turned unsteady "I killed him. You know that cell you were in Perseus. He died in that very same one."

"And now it's your turn."

"But why take Annabeth too? What has she done to you?" I ask.

"We have camera's on you at all times and we know that she's been helping you try to 'solve' the little notes we sent you, so why not? We're done here. Take them back." The men took us back to the cells, except they put me and Annabeth together in the same cell. We huddled up together, using each other for warmth. She buried her face in the crook of my neck, her arms wrapped around my neck. I wrapped an arm around her waist and one rested on her back, rubbing small circles.

"What's going to happen?" Annabeth asks.

"I don't know but we're going to survive, because we're together and nothing can tear us apart. Not this. Not anything. I love you Annabeth," she raises her head and kisses my cheek.

"I love you too Percy. And you're right, we're going to go through this together," I smiled and kissed her temple as she snuggled with me.

Once she fell asleep I still couldn't help but think about what Kronos said earlier.

I killed him....

You know that cell you were in Perseus......

He died in that very same one......

I looked at Annabeth who was sleeping peacefully and I looked at how cute she was (as usual.) I kissed the top of her head and rested the side of my head. And soon I fell asleep to the sound of Annabeth's cute little snores.

Hey guys! I have been waiting for this chapter for quite a while. Thank you for the reads and votes! I'll be updating at 280 views and 44 votes!

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