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Another game of truth or dare. I never liked truth or dare but I guess I have nothing to worry about. The only thing that I had to had was my crush on Percy but that has already been revealed.

We all sat in a circle ready to start. Thalia went first.

"Nico truth or dare?" Thalia asked. ( A/N: when I typed Nico it autocorrected it to Nicole. I was like wtf?!)

"Truth," he muttered. Thalia had an evil smirk in her face and I already knew what she was about to ask.

"Is it true that you have a crush on Will Solace?" His face and turned red and he quickly shook his head.

"What? No of course not!" we all knew he was lying. But then again we didn't expect for him to admit it.

"Moving on. Percy truth or dare?" Percy shrugged.


"Are you a virgin?" Percy looks away from me and looks at the ground, his face red.

Oh my god. Percy wasn't a virgin. He did 'it' with another girl.

"No," he whispers. Everybody's eyes widened.

"Holy shit! When? How? With who?" Jason asked.

"Language,"Hazel said.

"Ah, ah, ah. One question per truth," Percy said. Everybody rolled there eyes and looked at me.

"What?" They all looked away. Now it was Percy's turn.

"Pipes truth or dare?" Percy asked. He still wasn't looking at me.


"I dare you too drink a whole cup of whatever condiments we tell you to get from the fridge." Piper shrugged and we all went downstairs. Thalia grabbed a cup and everyone got a type of condiment from the fridge. There was mustard, hot sauce, ketchup, honey mustard, and mayo. Everyone squirted it in the cup and Piper started chugging it until she finished it. She grimaced when she finished the cup.

"I hate you Jackson," Percy smirked.

"love you too Pipes." We all headed upstairs, some happier than others.

"Percy truth or dare."

"Why me again?!"

"Cause you have some tea to spill. Now truth or dare," Piper said.

"Dare," he answered.

"I dare you to tell us everything. When, how and with who," Piper said.

"Okay fine. It was the beginning of Sophomore year and we were playing truth or dare. Then this girl Calypso, a girl who had a crush on me, had dared me to do "it" with her. And so we did. But then I ditched her. And I now feel really bad about it because I'm sure we could've been friends. And then she moved for about a year and now she's back at Goode. I try to make amends with her but she won't talk to me," Percy explained and he looked at Leo when he said it. We all knew Leo had a crush on Calypso. We've all seen his ways with flirting with her, and it couldn't be funnier.

Leo seemed to get mad as Percy kept on talking. And I also couldn't help but get jealous as Percy was talking about Calypso. I've met her once or twice and she's a nice and sweet person, exactly why I'm just a tiny bit jealous that Percy had lost his virginity to her.

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