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I got ready for my date with Percy. He had told me to dress casually so I put on some jeans and a cute shirt that I had found in my closet. I put my hair in a ponytail and put on any shoes that I could find.

"You going out?" My dad asked as I grabbed a small purse where I kept my phone and wallet. I nodded as u slung the purse over my head.

"Yeah is that fine?" He smiled and nodded.

"Yup just be back by 11 and tell Percy hi for me," he winked and went up the stair disappearing. I heard a knock on the door and I quickly opened it looking a smiley faced Percy.

"So you ready to go?" He asked, holding out his arm in an angle. I smile and hooked our arms together.

"Yup. So where are we going?" I asked after closing the door.

"It's a surprise. I know all our dates are usually going to the movie theaters or going out to a pizza place but I wanted to do something different and kind of special for you." I smiled and kissed his cheek. We both got in the car and Percy started driving to who knows where and soon we reached a parking lot.

"We're here!" He said happily ever unbuckling his seat belt.

"You know this is a parking lot right?" He rolled his eyes.

"Yes I'm aware of that Wise Girl I have eyes. Don't worry our date isn't in a parking lot. I promise the surprise is much better than this," I got out of the car and me and Percy hands laced together as we met at the front of the car. After walking for a few minutes he asked me to close my eyes.

"Percy if I trip I will judo flip you," he chuckled as he placed an hand on my shoulder, guiding me on where to go.

"Don't worry, I won't," after more of walking blindly Percy finally told me to open my eyes and when I did I saw the most beautiful sight ever. I saw a picnic underneath a big tree. Butterflies flew and there were several flowers sprayed all across. I felt Percy's arms wrap around my waist and he nuzzled his face in my shoulder.

"Do you like it?" He asked. I turned around lifted his chin and kissed him. I smiled and broke apart flicking the hair off his forehead.

"I love it Seaweed Brain, thank you," he smiled and took my hand and we both made our way to the picnic blanket and we both sat down. The first thing he got out was a plate of blue cookies and then he put away the basket.

"Percy... we have to eat before dessert."

"This is all I brought," my eyes widened and u quickly grabbed the basket and saw other foods inside.

"Thank god."

"What did you actually think I only packed blue cookies?" I raised an eyebrow and he rolled his eyes.

"But you know what the thought had come to mind," I smiled and rolled my eyes. And for the rest of the day we are and after putting everything away we cuddled up against the tree  in silence and watched the beautiful sunset. Percy kissed the top of my head and whispered.

"I love you Wise Girl."

"I love you too Seaweed Brain."

And that's the last chapter for this book! The next chapter will be an epilogue! Sorry I didn't tell you all I had just made it the last chapter today because I don't have any ideas for this book therefore I'm ending it here! Thank you all and see you guys in the next and final chapter! Byeee!!

Best Friends to Lovers (Percabeth AU)Where stories live. Discover now