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It's been 10 years after graduating and me and Percy had gotten married three years ago and we have a three year old little girl, Athena Sally Jackson. Percy was an Olympic swimmer and I was the ceo of my own Architectural company

Today was Valentine's Day but he was out of the country and wouldn't be back until next week. Now I'm not one to be crying over how my valentine wasn't here with me but I missed Percy in the house. The house was empty without him.

I went in the kitchen putting Athena in her high chair.

"Hawpy Vawentines mummy!" I smiled at her and kissed her cheek.

"Happy Valentines sweetheart," I went in the kitchen and since I was too lazy to make it from scratch I used the pancake mix for our breakfast.

"Do you want blue pancakes or regular pancakes?" She smiled and giggled.

"Bwue pancakes!" I smiled at her answer. I grabbed a heart container and poured some of the batter in. I cut up the pancakes and poured maple syrup and added in a few blueberries and gave the plate to Athena.

"When's daddy cowming home?" She asked as I handed her a plastic fork. I brought my plate to the table.

"He'll be here next week sweetheart don't worry," she smiled and started eating her blue pancakes. I smiled at the little girl and started eating my pancakes. It was silent.

"You're eating blue pancakes and didn't invite me?" I lifted my head at the voice and there I saw Percy, looking as handsome as ever with a smirk on his face. I stood up, ditching my plate and ran to him, jumping into his arms and kissing him.

"I thought you weren't coming back until next week!" I said a smile on my face.

"Plans changed and I wanted to surprise you. Happy Valentine's day Wise Girl," I rested my forehead on his.

"Happy Valentine's day Seaweed Brain."

"Hey! Down't fowget about me!" Percy smiled at the young girl. He sat me down and walked over to her high chair and picked her up, kissing her cheek. Percy and Athena were very similar. She had my blonde hair but Percy's sea green eyes and just like Percy, she loved water.

"How's my little seashell?" she gave up a thumbs up and he kissed her cheek once again, putting her on his hip.

"I got you guys some things," he said walking over to his bag, opening it. He gave me a bag and Athena a smaller one. Athena hungrily opened her bag and pulled out a small heart box. She opened and it contained a few chocolates. She smiled and hugged Percy with one hand.

"Thank you daddy!" He kissed her cheek and looked at me.

"Come on opened it," he looked very giddy about it and we both made our way to the couch in the living room. I reached in the bag and grabbed the present which felt like a book. Once I looked at it it said Percy & Annabeth. I flipped to the first page where it showed several pictures of our childhood that I totally forgot of. As I flipped through the pages, the pictures of us were getting older. And soon I reached to our wedding pictures.

"Percy, this is amazing! Where'd you get all these pictures?"

"My mom had them all in her phone and we just printed them all."

"That would've taken a long time," he nodded but kissed my cheek.

"It did but you're worth it," he gave a grin and gave me a peck on the lips. Athena grimaced and left the living room, leaving me and Percy alone.

"I actually have something for you too," I say. I got up and went to my bedroom and grabbed a tiny bag and rushed downstairs.

"Wait, before I open it I want you to read the card," he handed me the card that was blue which didn't surprise me at all.

Dear my beautiful wife,

Happy Valentine's Day! I love you so much and I will continue loving you for the rest of ours lives. Once again I love you so much.

      your seaweed brain

AKA: Your amazing husband

I smiled and hugged him.

"I love you too Seaweed Brain. Now open mine," I shoved the bag into his chest and he chuckled at my eagerness. He grabbed the small present and gasped looking me.

"You're pregnant?" I smiled and nodded. He dropped it and picked me up spinning me around kissing me.

"I'm going to be a father!" My smile dropped.

"You're already a father Seaweed Brain."

"But I'm going to be a father of two!" I smiled again and he set me down and we cuddled on the couch.

I was with my Valentine, my Seaweed Brain, my Percy. My family was safe and happy. And that was all that mattered to me.


And this is the epilogue!! We're done with this book! It's been an amazing journey with you all and I'm going to start another book just not now. Maybe somewhere during March. I now feel so empty now that I have finished this book but I loved writing this book! Thank you all for everything! Peace out!

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