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I finished my homework a while ago and now I was ready my all time favorite book. And Percy was peacefully sleeping and snuggling with his Nemo stuffed animal. But soon he started thrashing and screaming things such as 'NO!' 'Don't do it!!' Mostly those two. I quickly set the book on the ground and wrapped my arms around Percy, stroking the back of his head. He started crying in my shoulder and he stopped screaming.

"Calm down... it'll all be okay. It was just a nightmare, you're going to be okay," he probably woke up because I felt him wrap his arms firmly around my waist. He continued crying while I whispered soothing things in his ear. He soon raised his head, his eyes bloodshot from the crying.

"What happened Seaweed Brain?" He took in a shaky breath, closing his eyes.

"I saw my dad... in the cell that I was in in the beginning. He looked horrible as if he hasn't had anything to drink or eat for days. And I saw Kronos. With a gun. I stood there. Unable to say anything or move. I just watched the whole thing." I couldn't imagine how it is for Percy. Knowing that you're father was killed by the same person who almost killed you. Knowing his father was killed by his own brother. I brought him for another hug, rubbing small circles on his back.

He buried his head in the crook of my neck, a few tea tears falling down his cheeks.

"Do you think my mom knows?" He asked out of the blue. "You think my mom knows how my dad actually died?" I shrug.


"I don't know. Maybe she was told that your father had been lost at sea. But if she did know the truth she probably didn't want to tell you to protect you," I shrug.

"Maybe," we stay like that for who knows how long until my mom comes in with a tray of broccoli, celery, baby carrots, and with ranch. After looking at us, she placed the tray down, sitting on the other side of my bed, putting a hand on my calves.

"Another nightmare," I felt Annabeth nod. I raised my head , still resting my head on her shoulder.

"Mom... do you know how dad actually died?" I ask.

"What do you mean? He was lost at sea," she looked at the both of us, unsure what to believe "Right?" I shake my head.

"No. Dads brother, Kronos, the same person who kidnapped me and Annabeth... they killed him." Mom covered her mouth, tears brimming her eyes. I left Annabeth's embrace and hugged my mom as she cried a few tears.

"I'm so sorry I didn't protect you from him," she cried. I rubbed her back, shaking my head.

"No mom. You've done an amazing job protecting me. You've kept me safe my whole entire life. Whatever happened was not your fault. Okay?" She hugged me tighter.

"But that day.. I should've never let you go."

"Mom if anything this was my fault, I should've told you about the letters that I got," she pulled apart.

"You got letters? And you didn't tell me?" I shook my head.

"I started getting the letters when you and Paul were in the accident and you had so much on your mind, I didn't want to bother you with this. I didn't think they meant anything," she wiped a tear, that fell from my cheek.

"So that's how you knew, the police didn't really get back to you," I nod my head.

"I'm sorry I lied to you mom. I just didn't want to worry you," she gave a small smile.

"It's fine. As long as your here now and they aren't a bother to you or Annabeth." I loved my mom so much. Even though I do the worst things, she's never mad at me. She kissed my forehead, starting to stand up.

"I know you have much of homework, so I'll leave you to it. In case you're hungry I have some snacks for you all."

"Thanks mom. I love you," she smiled, kissing my forehead again.

"I love you too," she left the room, leaving the door half closed.

I pulled out my phone, starting to call the hospital.

"Who you calling?" Annabeth asked, looking at my phone.

"The hospital. I want to check if I could rejoin the swim team."

"Don't you have to go in person and ask?" I shrug.

"Worth a try," I dialed the number, pressing the screen to my ear. And surprisingly they answered right away.


"Hi, I'm Percy Jackson and I have been at the hospital for a few weeks and I was wondering if I could play any sports at the moment?" There was silence before she answered again.

"Looking at your medical records it seems that you can play sports. But gain any injury visit the hospital for a check," I nod but then remembered she couldn't see me.

"All right thanks."

"No problem. Bye," I quickly said a bye back and hung up, placing my phone in my pocket.

"They said I can join!" Annabeth smiled, hugging me.

"Im glad.. now about that homework," I groan.

"Do I have to? There's so much I have to do!" I whine.

"I already finished, so I could help," she offered.

"You already finished?!" She nods.

"Can I do later? I just want to lay down with you," I gave her the puppy dog eyes I knew she couldn't resist. She smiled nodding. We both lay on the bed, facing each other, my arm around her waist and her hand rested on my cheek.

"I love you Seaweed Brain," I kissed her, bring her closer to me. We broke apart, our faces only a few centimeters apart.

"I love you too Wise Girl," and with that she pulled me in for another kiss.

Hey y'all! Another update! I was so close to 1000 words but I only made it to 985! This was kind of a filler chapter, but the juicy stuff is coming don't worry. So expect the next few chapters to be bit boring but don't lose hope just yet! I don't have school tomorrow so another chapter should be posted! I'll see u all in the next chapter! Byeeee!

Best Friends to Lovers (Percabeth AU)Where stories live. Discover now