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Today was the day me and Percy were leaving the hospital. I was going to stay at Percy's because ever since me and my dad had that fight they hadn't visited. I wish they did though, I miss them. We had stayed 2 weeks in the hospital so my leg had already healed so I didn't need crutches. Helen had dropped off some clothes during the middle of the week so at least I now had a few pairs of clothes to last me a while. Me and Percy left the hospital hand in hand, smiling.

"We made it Seaweed Brain," I whisper and he kisses the top of my head, giving my hand a tight squeeze.

"Yeah we did. Together."

"Yup, we did," along with the Jackson/Blofis family to the car. The car was a minivan, so there were enough seats for everyone. Once we arrived at the house I set my small backpack in Percy's room and we all went to Tysons room where we alls at in a circle and brought out several games that we can play.

"Can we play Go Fish?" Percy pleaded, taking out the deck of cards.

"Is that still your favorite game because it has the word fish in it?" He nodded and started passing out the cards to everyone. The time had passed by very quickly and we had played several card games, two board games, and charades. We were all very tired and I was unable to sit still because of my ADHD I walked around Percy's room, looking at random things that he had. I was looking at his bookshelves when something in particular caught my eye.

A pack of condoms.

Percy came in and sat on his bed.

"What's wrong?" I turned around and showed him the pack. He squinted his eyes.

"What are those?" I threw him the pack and he caught it with one hand. His eyes widened at the sight.

"Oh uhm I-I uhm don't worry I didn't get  these when we were together. My aunt came over a year ago and gave me them...  said she wanted me to be safe. I totally forgot I had them," his face turned tomato red as he said it, putting the pack in his drawer. I chuckled, sitting next to him. Tyson peaked on the room.

"You have a pack of condoms?" He asked, his eyes widened.

"Shut up. They were the ones Aunt Amelia gave me," Percy explained, his face redder than ever. An devilish smirk grew on Ty's face.

"Are you planning on using them with Ann-" and Wack! Percy's pillow collided with Tysons face. He laughed as me and Percy's face turned crimson red. He put his hands in his pocket and walked away but I also heard him mutter

"You didn't deny it." But it seems I was the only one who heard him.

"So after that embarrassing moment want to watch something downstairs?" Percy asked and I nodded. We both headed downstairs and sat on the couch and he grabbed the remote faster than I did.

"What should we watch?" He asked scrolling through options. I shrug, leaning my head back. Soon we heard a knock in the door.

"I got it," I say and go and open the door. I saw Hazel, Frank, and the rest of our friend group in the other side of the door. Hazel attacks me with a hug, almost squeezing me to death.

"Oh my god! Never do that to me again!" She cried, loosening her grip. Percy came up behind me. Hazel also attacked him with another hug and he smiles and pats her back.

"I miss you too Haze," he said smiling. Frank gives me a small hug and he gives Percy a bro hug.

"What are the rest of you guys doing here?" Percy asked.

"Frank and Hazel were planning on visiting you and we thought we should tag along as well," Piper explained.

"And your mom also bakes a fresh batch of blue cookies on Saturdays," Nico said welcoming himself in the house and everyone else followed. They all walked to the kitchen looking at the trays of blue cookies.

"Het kids! I'll bring a plate of blue cookies upstairs. Oh and Frank how's your grandmother doing? I heard she was feeling I'll," Sally asked, getting a plate from the cabinet.

"She passed, peacefully," Franks explained and my moms eyes were filled with sympathy.

"I'm sorry for your loss," she said.

"Thanks. It was unfortunate, but Hazel helped through it," mom smiled at the two blushing couple.

"I'm glad. Now why don't you all go upstairs and I'll bring a plate up soon?" We all eagerly went upstairs to my room sitting all around the room. Even though me and Annabeth still couldn't have any blue cookies we were still going to sneak one.

"So another game of truth or dare?" Leo asked and almost everyone agreed.

Well this was going to be fun.

Hey guys! I'm back! I had a little bit of writers block for a while and I'm sorry this chapter ceased short but I didn't know what to write after that and now I'm getting more ideas! I'll try to update as soon as I can! Bye!

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