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After my dads consent which a long time I was allowed to go Percy's. And although I still got nightmares, it was still nice knowing Percy was by my side. And I also missed Percy's family. But I was glad to be back and thankfully things are back to normal.

Me and Percy were talking by our lockers and Silena walked up to us. She didn't look at us when she did, in fact she seemed to be really interested in the floor.

"Hey S. What's up?"

"Uhm there's something that I need to tell you guys. I've been thinking about how to say it and I don't think this is the best place to tell you but I have to get it off my chest." Me and Percy looked at each other. Silent seemed really serious.

"Shoot," I say. She took in a deep breath before talking.

"I worked with Kronos. And I'm so sorry! I didn't wan-" Percy waved his hands in front of him, and he looked confused and truth was, I was too.

"Woah woah woah. Back up. What?"

"I worked with Kronos. I never wanted too. I promise. I had over heard Luke talking on the phone and I had heard too much a-and he had found me and threatened to kill me. But he also offered to let me go only if I spied on you two. And my life was on the line so I-I had to do it. And I've told them everything. I was the one who gave Percy the letters. I was the one that told Kronos that Amnabeth was trying to help you. And I'm so so sorry. I never wanted to do it."

Well shit.

Silena, one of me and Percy's friends betrayed us. Then I remembered.

We have camera's on you at all times and we know that she's been helping you try to 'solve' the little notes we sent you

That's exactly what Kronos said. And those 'cameras' he was talking about... it was Silena.

I couldn't look at Silena.

"How could you do this to us?" Percy spoke up.

"I didn't want to. As I said, Luke he threatened to kill me. I had to. I'm so sorry." Then the bell rang.

"I have to get to class," I mumbled. I scurry off in a hurry and look over my shoulder and see Silena by herself. A tear ran down her cheek and for a second I felt bad. But then I looked forward and headed to first period. 

_ Dam Time Skip_

I went to the library for lunch, picking my favorite book. But I couldn't focus. After reading every word my mind to went to different thoughts. I felt a hand on my shoulder and jumped. I looked and saw Percy with a small grin.

"Knew I'd find you here," he said taking a seat next to me. I close the book, putting it to the side.

"My mind is so full I can't even read," he grabbed my hand.

"That bad?"

"Yes! We just found out that one our friends worked with an organization that hurt and abused us and almost killed us."

"Yeah... I never thought this would happen. We trusted her and she betrayed us like that. But I mean she was going to be killed. It wasn't her fault. She had to do it. It was us or her life was taken away." He was right. I also had to think about her point of view as well. And her apology sounded sincere but I couldn't get over it that fast.

"I guess." He brought me in a hug and stroked my hair.

"I love you Wise Girl," I smile.

"I love you too Seaweed Brain," we break apart, our lips connecting. And as usual his lips had a salty taste, like the sea. I smile and soon we break apart.

_ Dam Time Skip_

I go upstairs. I go to my desk and set my homework and quickly set to work and in 10 minutes I had quickly completed it. I know sat on my bed, fiddling with the beads on my bead necklace that hung around my neck.

 I looked at my photos that hung around my room looking and remembering all the memories. My eyes shifted to the photo I had on my desk where my father and mother were smiling lovingly at a bundle of pink blankets that my mother was holding, that was me. I saw my tiny fingers wrap my mothers and tears prickled my ears. If only she was with me now. I grabbed the picture by the frame and held it to my chest as if I were hugging it. 

"I miss you mom," I whisper, now a few tears falling down my cheeks. Then two boys barged in my room. 

"Annie! Come downstairs!" Matt yelled excitedly. 

"Ok, but lower the volume," I say putting the picture down. 

"Sorry," and soon they rushed downstairs. Quickly wiping my tears I went downstairs and saw everyone surrounding a mat of Twister. The twins grabbed my hands and dragged me to the mat. 

This was going to be fun. 

Hey guys! Don't worry I'm alive and I'm sorry for the longest update. I've been terribly sick and I couldn't do anything. Honestly just yesterday I started writing the chapter and today I finished it. And sorry this was a short one I ran out of ideas and everything just came to me on the spot. I have no idea what the next chapter is going to fulfill but hopefully it's a good one. See you in the next chapter!

Best Friends to Lovers (Percabeth AU)Where stories live. Discover now