part 3

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⚠  TW SH, ED, Pills 

Later that evening
Beth had left with Leah to go check on Katie who was cooking dinner while tally finished unpacking the last bag left. She liked her room but she wasn't used to having her own space she was used to having to share, and she liked having to share. She slowly emptied the bag onto her bed hoping no one would come in. She organised it into her little piles of stuff consisting of medicine, bandages and other first aid stuff, painkillers, inhalers, and then the things that meant she needed the applications in the first place. She looked at the medicine organising it how she had it at home by name in alphabetical order, that was one of the things she did so she felt like she wasn't so out of control but she knew it was just an excuse for her OCD coming back. She put in the order of allergy medication, antidepressants, anxiety medication, birth control, insomnia medication and OCD medication before putting in the ordinary painkiller and her steroid inhalers on one side and emergency inhalers on the other with her EpiPens next to them. She then stuffed the sharp objects and lighters in it and covered them with bandages just as Katie walked in saying "hey kiddo what you doing?". Tally turned around exceptionally quickly knowing how guilty she was probably looking right now "just Ummm organising stuff!" She said awkwardly as she grabbed the first aid kit off the bed and shoved it into the draw as well as Katie either didn't notice or chose to ignore the guilty looks. "Well if you're ready for dinner it's done now!" Katie said lightheartedly as tally nodded and grabbed her phone before following the Irish woman out of her room. 

Tally was nervous, she hated eating with a passion, she could calorie count better than she could normally count and she could move food around enough so it looked like she had eaten a good portion of it but it still scared the shit out of her. She decided tonight she had to eat to make sure no one ever knew what was going on in her head and she hadn't eaten breakfast or lunch so she could manage one meal surely. it was just simple tomato pasta and she was happy she knew it was low calorie even with cheese on top. she actually ate all of it not wanting to risk questions being asked but declined seconds or pudding and just sat on the sofa snapping her brother and sisters before sending a pic of the girls to esme with "recognise them?" as a caption as the girls finished eating on the sofa. 5 seconds later Esme sent her a snap back with "WTF" written on it as she got an incoming facetime from her "hey umm I need to take this!" she said before going to her room and answering the facetime.

"omg god baby you're with arsenal players are you telling me you've signed for a professional team?" esme screamed into the phone as she saw the teen look at her with a knowing look. "yeah I did it Ezzy I signed for the senior team as well with the adults!!!" tally said excitedly. esme once again squealed at her. "omg baby b I'm so proud of you darling wait that means you have moved, what's ur room like, give me a room tour!" she enthusiastically said into the phone. tally laughed "okay okay ill give you a room tour so we have my bed obviously with my trusty man city pillow cases, his pillow cases and then my fluffy sheets as always and then we have my selection of photos see we have all the family photos and the sibling photos and then me in my first football kit and me, you and henry which is my favourite photo except for the one of the whole family with you in of course and then we have my wardrobe including my hoodies that I stole from you and a ton of his clothes seeing as I'm the only one who would actually wear them and then my draw of beautiful medicine plus first aid kit etcetera and before you say it I'm fine it is being dealt with and yes I'm still taking my meds, god, you are worse than fucking Amanda!" said tally as she saw esmes expressions change from proud to concerned. 

esme was worried about what was going on with the kid, she had a whole drawer full of bandages and she thinks I didn't see the little black bag under the bandages she could only imagine what was in there and she knew it wasn't something good seeing as she hid it. she couldn't let the kid who was like a little sister to her suffer like this again. she swiped off of the phone call so she could still see it but it was minimised as she texted beth and leah "hey girls make sure you look after Tally for me she may seem tough but she's just a kid and she struggling a bit right now, just please be there for her and let her trust you!" before joining back onto the call properly just trying to be there for the kid. "how are you doing tho Bea?" esme asked concern and love laced through her voice, as the younger girl flopped onto her bed. suddenly an alarm went off on her phone "hold on Ez I just need to fill up my water bottle so I can take the meds that will apparently stop me from wanting to jump off a cliff, spoiler alert not worked yet!" tally said as she left the room and esme sat on the phonecall unsure if to take what the kid said seriously or not when tally returned she noticed how worried esme looked and felt guilty "I'm sorry Ez I didn't mean it I was joking I promise!" she said fakely before giving a smile that esme saw straight through, now she was worried. "I've got to go to sleep now so goodnight we can chat more tomorrow or something?" Suggested tally before hanging up. 

She shut her door before going into the draw and grabbing the black case full of weapons. She put in her AirPods blasting her music trying to drown her thoughts out as she made 3 cuts on each thigh before doing the same to her stomach sides and her arms. She put on her pyjamas. She pulled the sleeves down and made sure her shorts covered it before opening her door and turning the music down a bit as she went into the bathroom and as she went to lock the door she realised there was no lock. Just fantastic she thought. She used toilet paper to stop the bleeding which didn't take long as tried her best to stop the urge to go deep. She brushed her teeth and washed her hands and face. She went and said goodnight to the girls who were still on the sofa just chatting. She wasn't sure how she felt about living with the adults. They said goodnight and she went back to her room and pulled her door too but didn't fully shut it as she got into bed and went to sleep.

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