part 25

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She came onto the match at half time being a sub for Jordan who came off giving Katie the captain's armband as leah was a sub for this match and was yet to go on. Jordan gave her a quick hug and patted her on the head before tally ran onto the pitch. She was quite a boisterous player and wasn't afraid of tackling so wasn't afraid to get stuck in. she was playing as an attacking midfielder so she was shooting and assisting. her way of playing was similar to Katies when she was up front, she wasn't afraid of going down for the ball. in fact, she enjoyed tackling. she was running for the ball that Magda Eriksson currently had and tackled her harshly going for the ball but making contact with madgas foot instead. in fairness she did get a touch on the ball but it was unfortunate timing and as Magda tried to respond to the tackle quickly after being brought down but her studs had caught tallys laces and she too was brought down. viv was over quickly and helped tally up and checked she was okay while millie bright did the same with magda. magda came over to tally and gave her a tap on the back a sign of good faith from the older player. shortly after that and was replaced with niamh.

About 27 minutes into the second half, she took a particularly nasty tackle that took her down and cried out in pain as she landed funny in her arm. It wasn't so much her arm that hurt but rather the cuts on her arm that she had quite heavily landed on. Beth helped her up as they both glared at who had tackled her. She was given a yellow card and was given a stern talking to the ref. erin cuthburt who talked to her apologised and tally accepted it. Leah came onto the pitch about 4 minutes after that as a replacement for Rafaella Souza.

There were 12 minutes left of the second half, and Tally really wasn't feeling right. She didn't know what it was, but she had been on since that tackle of the second half, and she had felt fine then otherwise, leah would have spotted it and not let her play. She got the ball passed to her from viv, and she made a run for the goal only to be stopped by millie Bright. She knew millie kind of as she had been introduced to her by Beth and leah before the game as she had been called up, so she would have to get to know her anyway. She tried her best to get the ball past millie, but everything was spinning and it was all too loud and moving funny. Millie got the ball and passed it out, but Tally just stayed where she was.

millie was next to her as they got passed down to her again. Tally felt herself begin to stumble. She grabbed millie "Something is wrong, everything is spinning. I don't feel well!" She said quietly, barely able to bring herself to speak. She felt herself go limp as she fell, just crumbling into the ground as everything began to ring. She was out. She heard millie in the distance trying to wake her up and the player she had been introduced to with millie, Niamh Charles, but she didn't feel like she was there she felt gone and floating like she felt when she was having an episode, but more and a bit different. She could now hear beth and viv talking anxiously at her.

She began to come to and opened her eyes, the stabbing pain in her stomach now present again. Her head was on Beth's lap as she felt herself being gently but urgently shaken by her. As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw how anxious the girls looked, even millie and Niamh, who she hardly even knew looked worried. She tried to get up, but Beth held her down. "No, not until the medics come to put you fainted kid and your as pale as ghost and your arm is bleeding kid quite a bit." beth told her kindly but sternly.

Tally moved her arm to her eye line to have a look, and she saw the black undershirt she had on looked wet, and when she touched, it was red. Blood. "Shit!" She said as leah came running over as the game had now stopped, and she was worried about her girl. "Kid, are you okay? Why did you faint, and why are you bleeding?" Leah asked all at once, obviously scared for tally. "I promise I don't know why my arm is bleeding well. I mean, i know why and you know why, but I haven't done anything. I promise I haven't in 3 days, but it was quite... so it might have reopened when I went down hard after that last tackle I don't know you were the one who bandaged it and I don't know why i fainted evergthing just went really spinny and i felt all dizzy and then i fainted!" Tally said frustrated that this had happened and annoyed that even though she hadn't cut herself in 3 whole days jt was still fucking with her. Leah moved and helped her to sit up.

Still there were no medical team and she could see Katie arguing with the ref about it. Leah got viv beth niamh and millie to form a circle around her so leah can look at her arm without thw whole crowd seeing. And surprisingly it worked. Leah rolled up the sleeves to reveal the damage and as tally had suspected she had reopened the cuts on her arm as she had gone down with one of the earlier tackles. Niamh gasped in shock when she saw the multitude of scars and cuts. It was bleeding quite a bit and tally could see leah was looking at it nervously. "Why the fuck isn't there a medic over here by now!" Said leah angrily to no one as she began to take of her top not caring about getting told off or the fans thinking it was odd, her kid was bleeding and quite a bit she had to help.

She wrapped the shirt around her arm and applied pressure while viv watvhed with millie and niamh who looked beyond shocked. The girl they had met before had been jokey and up beat. beth just focused on holding tallys hand trying so hard not to think about tally doing it to herself as many times as their were scars on her arms. After about 10 minutes rhe ref finally called the medics who told her to get subbed off which she did.

She made her way of the field with leah who needed to get a new shirt. Jordan who was on the bench went to them as they walked towards her engulfing hee only shorter teammate in a big hug as the kid had seriously worried her especially when she saw leah take her shirt off. "What happened little one?" She asked sounding nervous as she saw the black top wrapped around her arm and the blood dripping down her hand. "Little one, that's new, I like it, you must be happy to have someone who's shorter than you finally, I fell dodgy on that tackle where cuthburt got booked and it opened the cuts and they were bleeding and I may be feeling slightly ill snd didn't tell anyone and then I fainted!" She said sheepishly towards the end. Jordan wrapped her arms around the girl and took off her coat wrapping it tightly around her as she shivered. She led her inside into the medical room.

I like this chapter quite a bit
It's a tad dramatic but it's important as it kinda makes tally realise how serious it actually is and let's her accept help a bit more.
Thanks for all your suggestions so far I really appreciate them and they are seriously helping my mental block in this story.
I really love writing it but keeping coming up with ideas is harder than one would think haha
Keep the suggestions coming if you want too

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