part 36

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tally stayed there hugging beth for a moment and then as it was by that point it was 830 so she had to get ready and luckily leah hadn't emerged yet. it was strange tho. but she pushed it to one side and went into her room pushing her door shut. she put on her bike pros and training shorts and her underlayer top. she put on her training top and her nike coat that covered her neck. she was just just lucky they weren't filming training that day. she zipped her coat up and put on her training socks and grabbed her boot bag. she was just happy the game was at home. in 2 days time they were playing at emirates. THE EMIRATES! it was so cool. she walked out and it was now time to leave and still there was no sign of leah. "wheres leah?" she asked as she went out and beth and Katie shared a knowing look. "shes already gone she had to have a chat with jonas and nice coat you cant train in that so good luck hiding your neck kid!" beth said smirking. "leahs gonna freak!" tally sighed at she put her squash onto her bottle and filled it up with water. orange and mango of course. it had special added vitamins and shit so it was good for her not to mention it made water just that tad snazzier. she put her water bottle in her bag. she put on her trainers and went and sat by the door. soon enough it was time to leave and was katei and beth ready no. "beth katie hurry up your going to be late!" tally shouted looking at her watch. she sighed. "beth katie get a fucking move on we are officially late!" she shouted when they still had not appeared. beth and Katie hurried out of their rooms and ran out of the door where tally was impatiently waiting for them. "jesus christ finally!" tally said rolling her yes. they ran to the training ground and as it was katie and beth that was very late tally managed to convince beth to carry her bag aswell as they ran to the training ground.

they got there a few minutes late and tally got in first and she was met with the disapproving frown of captain kimmy. Tally held her hand up to say hold on as she sat down on the bench trying to get her breath back. She had just full on sprinted for like 5 minutes. God knows where beth and Katie had got to. She sag there panting for a moment as she saw lia come in looking worried. "Are you okay?" She asked worriedly. Tally nodded and let our a breath as she looked at Kim sheepishly. "It was completely not my fault. It was beth and katies, they were faffing about!" She exlaimed as an equally tired beth and Katie came in and sat down on the bench. Beth gave tally her bag. "Take your coat of kid it's too hot for you to run in that!" Kim said worried about the kid first and for most. Katie sniggered. "She can't she's got a neck injury!" She said poking fun at the girl. Tally glared at katie and flipped her off. "You two better not laugh at me!" She said as she unzipped her coat and put it to one side. Lia moved her head gently with her hands and looked at her neck. "What were you up to last night!" She asked laughing. "I think his name was josh wasn't it!" Katie exclaimed. Tally was turning red and looking at her hands embarrasedly. Lia came up to her and gave her a hug sensing the girl was embarrassed. "Try not to embarrass her katie!" Lia advised in a motherly tone. She liked lia she was always kind to her and always helped her out. Tally had a feeling she knew more than she was letting on about tally. Katie raised her hands and eyebrows in defense. Lia shook her head and laughed. "Come on tally get your boots on and let's go out. If anyone asks questions just ignore them kid!" She said softly to the kid. Tally nodded and slipped of her trainers and put on her boots quickly. Beth and Katie were still laughing at this point. Kim was looking ag them dissaprovingly. "Come on beth, Katie stop winding tally up and get a move on were late!" She warned. Beth and Katie stopped and got ready knowing they had to. Kim could be tough when she needed to she was a true leader and all the players had their upmost faith and respect for her.

Tally looked at him gratefully and smiled at her. Kim gave the kid an affevtionate pat on the head and lia and tally walked out of the changing rooms towards the field. "Leahs gonna kill me!" Tally said nervously. lia looked at her confused. "she specifically asked me not to hook up with anyone and now it couldn't be more obvious that I did!" she said anxiously. lia put her arm around the short girl and squeezed her softly. "how drunk were you, did you want to?" she asked softly slightly nervous. tally looked at her and smiled. "yeah we both wanted to and I would say about 7 shots in plus a few beers so I would say fairly drunk!" she said still looking rather anxious. "do you regret it?" lia asked softly. tally shrugged she wasn't sure. "I don't know, I wouldn't do it again tho and we were so drunk we didn't even use protection!" she said sadly. she did regret it. why did she seem to have a habit of forgetting about condoms. was her head a bit empty or something. she felt stupid. "do you think there's a chance you could get pregnant from it?" lia asked gently. tally shrugged. "when was you last period?" she asked stopping them for a moment so she could look her in the eyes. "last week when I passed out!" tally said knowing that lia would now know what happened that match. that she was so weak something that half the population went through made her pass out in a really important match. "so there's a chance then!" lia said softly. tally nodded. lia could tell she was nervous and scared. "we could get you the morning after tablet after training if you want i can take you?" lia suggested. tally nodded. "thanks!" she said as quietly as a mouse. lia nodded. "shall we go over to the others we don't wanna miss warm up and don't worry they'll make fun for a bit but they'll find something else later!" Lia said encouragingly. It was obvious how apprehensive the girl was. She was really nervous of leahs reaction. She knew how much of a disappointment she was. She would never quite be good enough.

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