part 68

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Tally went down to the gym and she went onto the gym floor, some of the girls were already there and she took of her hoodie jacket thing so she was in just the long sleeve tshirt and short sleep over the top. She went over to the floor and wiped her hands making sure they werent sweaty and put her earphones in and turned on her cute little gym playlist. She began to stretch out her arms and legs then moving onto her core. She then sat down on the floor and sat in straddle position. She knew the girls were probably watching but she ignored it pushing down the self conciousness feeling she was feeling in that moment. She lifted herself into a elevated straddle and went into a handstand being slow and meticulous wanting it to be right and then staying for a few seconds in a handstand before starting to do push ups while in hand stand position. She knew the girls were all looking at her but she just focused on her work out. She did the pushups for about 3 minutes before coming down from the handstand and going over to the weights.

began to lift some weights just doing basic bicep curls for a bit knowing she wanted to become more stronger in her arms. She needed to be strong enough to protect herself, she had to be. If he would turn up as well as the issues she had with danny she needed to one be able to pretect herself and 2 protect her family, she would not let them hurt her like she was hurt. No way in hell. She put the weights down and went over to the the spin bike. She looked around and saw a couple of the girls still looking at her. Katie came over to her. 'How can arms this little do weights that easily!' she joked amazed at how strong the girl was. Tally laughed and looked down. 'Well someone has to beat you in the bicep contest!' she joked laughing at katie who was laughing along.

'We've got about another 40 minutes in here by the way kiddo so we will leave after that im driving you back to ours and no one can complain your my kiddo now!' katie said laughing as she grabbed tally around her shoulders and used the other hand to ruffle her hair. Tally laughed and swatted away katies hand jokingly before nodding and saying 'sure you are mccabe!' before smirking and getting onto the spin bike. Katie pretended to be shocked before going back to laughing almost hysterically. Katie got on the bike next to her and beth got on the other bike next to tally. 'What are you two nattering about?' she asked laughing. 'Katie thinks im her kiddo i know right beth shes delusional neither of you are my mums viv is!' she said laughing as she put her in quotation marks and as she saw viv come up to beth she started to give beth what she wanted before denying both of them and picking viv.

'Its cos im better guys you just cant beat me!' viv said joining in as they all laughed. Viv came up next to tally and gave her a side hug considering they were all still using the spin bikes. 'Tally how could you im by far the best i mean look at me im amazing!' beth said making a mocking face at viv in a cute little flirty way. Tally loved their relationship, she had never really been modeled a healthy relationship but beth and viv were so cute together and just perfect for eachother. 'Okay okay dont fight your meant to be the responsible mature adults i love all of you the same... well not as much as steph because she has a massive floofy dog so you know i pick calvy!' tally said laughing at them. None of them could disagree as calvin was very iconic.

'Kid weve been thinking about splitting up the flat, me and viv are looking to maybe get our own place but so there would be a room for you there too and then katie and ruesh are too we wanted to know what you thought?' beth said the serious tone returning slightly. 'Aww really thats so cute!' tally said. 'I will miss the flat alot obviously but it doesnt look like i would be going back for a while anyway kirsten says that even if i can go back that dcfs may rule for me to stay in the foster family which i mean obviously i miss you guys cos your my family but so is braeden and i like the opportunity of living with him with a bit of permanency, and its good for him and theres the chance of the rest of the family moving closer anyway but i definitely deserve my own room at your house because theres no one i would rather stay with for early mornings and late nights and davina said that i can do sleepovers at your guyses houses so we can still fo team bonding crap!' tally said explaining her situation.

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