part 26

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She got led to the treatment room. Daan had joined them as she had gotten close to the girl and was very worried about her and they were all in the room as the medic made her take Leah's top of her arm as well as her own 2 tops. She did so begrudgingly. She could see bruises beginning to form on her shoulder from that tackle. she winced as the doctor gently moved her shoulder checking out the joint and movement. Daan and Jordan watched worriedly on as she looked at the cuts on the teen's arms tutting slightly and shaking her head. luckily tally didn't see it just Jordan and daan did as they shot each other less-than-impressed looks.

Jordan was on the bed next to tally wrapping her arm over her shoulder trying to lift her spirits a bit. Daan kept a hold of the non-injured arm holding onto her hand tight not wanting to ever let go. She felt very protective of the girl from the beginning but that only amplified when she had gone back with her when her sister died. She could hear that the doctor was saying something but she just couldn't process the words, Jordan gently shook her out of the trance. "Kid, she asked when you started feeling unwell?" Tally nodded and said "I felt off this morning but not majorly just tired and a bit achy so I thought I was fine so didn't bother to tell leah. But then It kinda got worse and I got a headache but I took some paracetamol and it kinda went away but now it's back again, after the last tackle when I went to the ground I landed a bit funny on my arm which Is why it's bleeding and then I just kinda passed out, everything went really spinny and I felt really headachy and tired!" Explained tally quietly as Jordan looked at her worriedly as did daan. The doctor wasn't too worried about it for now but could tell the girl was exhausted so left her to sleep for a bit after bandaging her arms up a bit.

Daan went back put to the girls to tell them what happened to an extent as the game had just finished while Jordan stayed as tally cuddled into her easily falling asleep. After about 30 minutes she woke up and saw leah looking at her worriedly. She was still cuddled into Jordan so she shifted herself slightly and shakily held her hand out to leah who had been having a quiet conversation with jords. "Hey kid your awake, how are you feeling, you had us all worried!" Asked leah who anxiously held her hand with one hand and checked her forehead and face for a temperate with the other. Tally shrugged not sure what to say she had a splitting headache and was in a substantial amount of pain. "Kiddo you're burning up what's going on why didn't you tell one of us you felt ill?" She asked as the doctor walked back in at the sound of voices hoping to finally get some answers from Tally.

Tally just shut her eyes trying to stop the massive headache. The doctor began to speak as she took her blood pressure heart rate and temperature again. "Your heart rate is higher than I would like and you definitely have a temperature!" Said the doctor. Tally groaned annoyed at herself. "Are you on your period as that might have contributed to the fainting?" The doctor asked. She shrugged, feeling hugely embarrassed not wanting to talk about it and having such a headache the thought of talking made her want to cry. Leah looked at her and then looked at the medic before looking back at her. She told the medic to write down some questions, and she and Jordan would ask her as she was more likely to answer them that way.  The medic agreed and wrote down some questions and left them. She could tell she was getting nowhere and was unlikely to with the teen.

"Kid please can you talk to us about this? You fainted, your lucky Mills was there to catch you it could have ended a lot more badly, especially with your arms in the state they are!" Leah Pleaded as she tried to get through to the unwilling teen. Tally looked down really not wanting to talk about it. It was so embarrassing for her. Like really really embarrassing and she couldn't cope with it right now but she knew she had to, for Leah's sake. she looked at jordan and rubbed her eyes. jordan rubbed her shoulders encouragingly as tally looked between the 2 women nervously. "i-i... it started this morning and I thought I would be fine, I took painkillers and I'm on the pill so I thought I would be fine. i was supposed to be fine. i should have been fine. i hadn't had it in 3 months and then it just decided to show up and I thought it would be fine. i should have been fine. all because of some stupid condition!" tally said trying hard not to stutter or cry. she hated talking about it. her mum would mock her for it and refused to believe her. she had to go to the doctors with esme to get birth control to try and stop the intense pains and when that didn't help she had to go to the doctor with her papi because her mum still didn't believe her despite regularly throwing up and passing out because of the severe pain. 

"oh sweetheart why didn't you talk to one of us or one of the other girls about it. i never would have let you play if you told me that you felt faint or dizzy or unwell, please talk to us about these things please. we just wanna help you kiddo, what did you mean by condition?" leah asked gently hoping to get some more information from the girl so hopefully she could help the girl out with this. she felt sad that tally felt like she couldn't come to her or one of the other girls and instead just tried to push through thinking no one would care about her problems. "I was embarrassed I didn't want to talk about it with anyone its stupid that it hurts so much just because of the fucking endometriosis. its absolute bullshit. i don't like talking about it, my mum made it clear that it shouldn't be spoken about. like ever!" tally explained quietly wishing the ground would swallow her up. she hated talking about it. leah shot a slightly bemused glance at jordan after this. jordan quickly understood why leah was looking like this and suddenly said "just like you leah!". leah gave her a look as tally just looked confused. "jord! i have endometriosis like you do!" leah gently explained. tally looked at her surprised. she gave leah a big hug. she didn't feel as alone when she was with these girls. she felt safe and cared about in a way her mum never had.

She was given the all clear by the doctor and told to take it easy for a few days but her shoulder and arm was fine.

Meanwhile, daan had been pulled away to an interview as had been seen doing inside with the girl. She had been updated on the kid's condition and why she had fainted. All of it. But she could not tell the press that. There was no chance. "Is there an update on Tallulah o'sheere?" Asked the TV guy. Daan thought for a moment before saying "yes she is doing fine now. It was an unfortunate mix of having been feeling a bit ill and having a decreased apatite and being dehydrated that caused her to faint!" Daan said hoping it was plausible. The guy looked at her suspiciously. "And why did leah Williamson take her top off?" He asked obviously fishing for the skeletons in her closet. Christ this was about a kid. They were asking questions like they had the right to know. She got that people were worried but Jesus. "Tally, unfortunately, got an injury during training earlier this week and when she got tacked her arm collided with the player's arm and unfortunately caused it to bleed more than we liked and as the medics were taking a while to be called leah was worried about stopping it so used her top and got the players to form a circle around her because she's a kid and deserves privacy!" Daan said trying to keep an even keel. While the guy was out of the shot she could see the faces he was pulling. Let's just say they weren't nice. "Really in training earlier this week we had reports that she wasn't at the grounds for 3 days and wasn't featured in any of the training videos so that begs the question where was she really and why did Jonas play her I mean she's a kid as you said are you sure she was ill maybe she's just not cut out for it!" He said as he slipped in the snide remarks. 

Daan looked at the reporter angrily. She didn't want to be here she wanted to be with the girl. "Yes, tally had to leave camp for a short period but returned quickly and participated in enough training sessions for Jonas to see that she was match fit and a valuable player. And she isn't in training videos as they tend to try and video her the least as she is just a kid and it's not really fair to her. And she is a phenomenal footballer I mean she showed that today despite going off injured she showed the depth and power which she plays and she is just generally an amazing person and a little genius so if you will excuse me I'm going to go see how she is doing!" And with that daan walked away. She couldn't believe the reporter had said that. She went straight into the changing rooms and was glad to see tally there. She went over and gave the girl a hug. She had seriously worried her. Tally looked at her ans saw the look in her eyes. It was similar to the way she looked at her little brother. She hugged daan back hard and buried her face into her.

Soon it was time to head back and tally got onto the coach with beth and sat basically on her while jordan sat in the seet next to her. The gurls were all worried about her and had been keeping a close eye on her. The majority of them believed that it was just that she was ill as she wanted to keep the whole fucksd in the head thing to herself as much as possible. Arsenal had taken a picture of jordan beth and tally all say next to each other to release with the caption "she's all fine now no need to worry, she was slightly ill but she's feeling a lot better now thanks for all your worries!" And posted it with the approval of beth, Jordan and tally. Tally was fine with it as long as she wasn't tagged. Her privacy had already been compromised by the media and she really wanted to keep her Instagram private considering most of it was just family pictures which she didn't particularly want the public to have because her siblings were all quite little.

Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed.
I'm loving ur suggestions so keep them coming xxx

how is everyone coping with transfers cos I'm not haha its way to stressful

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