part 64

797 22 2

tw implied sa and abuse

After about 40 minutes she got a message from davina that they were nearly there. Tally sighed and looked at lotte and said 'there almost here!' she said it in a way that made lotte feel very confused. She couldnt discern what she was feeling and it bothered her. Tally sat staring into space for the next 20 mins until she heard a knock on the door and she stood up opening it. She smiled softly at kirsten and davina as she saw them having not seen them in a while. 'Hey tally are you all ready to go?' davina asked her. Tally nodded and hugged lotte. 'Dont worry kiddo ill see you tomorrow okay for training!' lotte said making sure she knew that she didnt need to worry about anything and it was only a short while until she saw them the next day. Tally smiled at her glad she was trying to comfort her. She hugged her back as hard as she could before looking up at her and nodding letting her know it was okay and that she would be fine. Lotte left soon after that and tally sat back down and began to dig her nail into the space inbetween her finger and thumb the slight pain distracting her. She felt a hand gently cover hers and she saw the dark browny ginger haired scottish woman looking at her knowing she was worried. She saw the woman she had known since she was 5 smile at her softly.

'Its gonna be fine this time your going to be fine!' she said trying to reassure the girl. Tally trusted kirsten completely she had even fostered her briefly during one of the particularly nasty experiences of abuse she had suffered at the hands of one of her many foster parents when she was too traumatised to move and couldnt get placed with another family that short notice. It was one of the first homes she felt safe. One of the only. 'You dont know that, that can never be guaranteed you know that better than anyone kirs you really do youve seen me after ive been placed with a bad daily you have seen how i look like you know that that not happening can never be guaranteed so dont try and bullshit me about oh its going to be fine when you dont know that!' tally said in a almost completely devoid of emotion other than slight fear. Despite her phrasing there was absolutely no anger or aggression.

Kirsten sighed she wasnt sure what more she could do for the girl. She wanted more than anything for her to feel safe. 'Okay look im going to arrange for you to do daily checkins with me for the two weeks that your with the foster family okay some can be in person at arsenal while you see nancy and some will be over the phone is that good?' she asked trying her hardest to make it easier for the kid. 'Look if i have to kid you will stay with me again and im always a call away you know that and you can come round mine anytime tally i promise this will all work out!' she said trying her hardest to calm the girl. Tally scoffed and shook her head. 'Yeah i dont even know why im going into a new fucking house again?' she said angrily. She was fed up of everyone making decisions for her. She was 16 she had acted like an adult for years, she had had more responsbilities than most had and it broke her! Why did everyone think she was some fragile little kid when she had been the rock holding her family together for years she had been the kids parents for years and were were her thanks. Oh yeah no she didnt get any of them for keeping her family alive and together.

'Look sweetheart im sorry that we couldnt tell you before but gary smith is out on bail and because of what he did to you social services decided to put you all in secure safe foster placements, you and braeden have been put together, rosaria is still with your aunt but they are staying in scotland with henrietta, and maxine has been put in a group home in cornwall while sera is with foster parents in wales they will all be safe all the adults have been very carefully breifed and he has no way of finding them i promise!' kirsten said finally revealing the truth to the very obviously worried girl. She knew that was where the hostility was coming from she knew it. 'Oh, h-hes out like he could come find us, me again' she said trying to hide the wobbles in her voice. Now it really made sense why they were all split up. 'Wohh tally he cannot come and find you, he will never do what he did to you again while i am looking out for you and trust me sweetheart the chances of him getting locked back up quickly are sky high i promise you i will ensure that you are as safe as possible i will not let that man anywhere near you he has to check in with his probation officer everyday and has an ankle tracker so we are doing everything we can to prevent you coming into contact with him as we believe he may try and contact you or find you so placing you in a foster family is the safest option right now and im staying a 5 minute walk away from where you will be so i will do everything to protect you sweetheart!' kirsten said hoping that that would calm her down.

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