part 21

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Tw overdose

It had been made clear to tally that despite not being there for many of the training session that week she was still going to play. She lived how jonas still trusted her to play well for the team despite everything that was going on. He never once questioned if she needed to take a moment or if she and leah or she and jordan were a bit late to something he just accepted that she was having a hard time but was getting help and moved on. She was so happy that she was. Jonas had come up to her in the beginning of the training session to make sure she knew that she had his full support and he really wanted her to feature in this match as it was a against one of the best wsl teams.

Tally was doing warm ups and activities with jen as her partner. Jonas liked to switch partners around as it meant everyone kinda gelled together better when playing a match and made them closer. Tally thought it was a good idea but I mean some of them were a good 15 years older than her like rafa. Jen and the rest of the team could tell something was off from the way she was playing. There was more force against her tackles they were more power less technicality, a bit more sloppy than they had seen her play before. Shs just wasn't getting hee head in the game. It was like she had a ton of pent up anger that she needed to get out but tally didn't feel angry she just felt hurt.

She was still stressing over her baby sister and it was definelty affecting her quality of play no matter how hard she tried to hide it. Jen was becoming increasing concerned for the young girl. She could see the fidgeting anxious hands and the way she would keep making sure her pony tail was tight enough even the way she was pulling her socks up every like 3 minutes. She shot a worried glance at jordan who was near by but hordan just shook her head knowing why the girl was being like this. It was worrying tho especially after the ocd episode. Certain behaviours were becoming overly ocd as the time was training session was going on.

When Jonas called her over tally felt hope wash through her that it was her aunt calling about her sister. Jonas told her to go call her aunt back so she went inside to where her phone was and called her back. Meanwhile Jonas called beth over who wasn't able to play in the next match so decided that she was perfect to go and check on the girl who he knew would need someone there. He trusted that beth would be able to help as she understood what cancer does to a family better than anyone.

Beth followed tally inside about a few minutes after her and could the girl gently snuffling. She went in to the changing rooms and saw the girl sat on the floor with her head on her arms. She immediatly noticed how much her hands were shaking. Without saying anything she went over to tally and sat down next to her gently rubbing her back. Tally looked up at her and saw the understanding in beths eyes. Shakily she got out her phone and clicked on her aunt bekahs contact as she phoned her. Beth got up to leave her so she could do it privately but tally stopped her nor sure if she would be able to do it if she was on her own.

Bekah immediately picked up and heard the girl shakily breathing. Softly she said "Rosie is out of surgery and is doing well, she had to have the second surgery as they couldn't vet it all out the 1st time so they had to go back in! But she's okay for now she's just woken up I'd you want to talk to her?". Tally sighed in relief and saw beth do the same. "Is braedes there?" She asked worried about how this was affecting her brother.

She heard the phone get handed over to someone and heard a teary voice on the end of it. "H-hey bea!" He aaid sounding like he was crying. "Hey baby don't cry okay she'll be fine I promise braedes I promise everything will be okay." She gently reassured the scared and worried young boy. He was only 12 surely it was too much for him to deal with. "Why her tho, it was bad enough when you got it again and again when each time you would finally be better it would be a few months later and you would have relapsed and the cancer would be back, you were in remission 3 times until now and it only lasted for a few months up until now. Its only been 3 years since your last one, and then Rosie was born ans everything was okay again but then she got it and then everything from there was just an utter shitshow!" He cried. Tally looked at beth who had heard what he had said. Her secret was out. Well one of her many secrets was out. "Yeah I know it was difficult for me bug but that was a long time ago. Medicine has progressed since then!" She said once again trying her best to reassure him. "I know but it's just not fair!" Braedy cried.

Tally sighed. She knew he was right. Of course he was right. None of this was fair. "Bugs I know it's all a bit shit well alot shit, I hate that this is happening again, I hate it but we have to try and be positive cos she's just a baby and your my baby brother and I hate it when your upset. I just wanna be there for you I know it will be difficult for you and it will bring back alot of memory's of me and nonni going through it but I promise it won't be like that with her how it was with me. I was so exhausted and tired by the last time I didn't want to do it anymore it's not going to be like that for ro I promise you braedes OK bug I promise!" She said trying to reassure the boy

With that the phone was handed over to someone else. Tally assumed it was bekah but it wasn't it was max. "Hello Tallulah!" Max said really not happy with her right now. "Don't call me that!" Tally immediately countered. It hurt her an immeasurable amount that max would delve that low to call her that. The amount of pain that name caused her. "It's your name and you deserve it!" Max answered quickly without missing a beat. Tally was confused. "Why what have I done now!". Max scoffed. "Let me think 1 you hooked up with one of our best friends!" She said angrily. "What is you problem with me hooking up with her. She's not my sister so it's not wrong so get over it!" Max was shocked. Like beyond shocked.

"What you hooked up with drea. Are you joking. What the fuck is wrong with you you hooked up with the girl firstly you know how that will go down and secondly she lives with us and has for years. She's like our sister! How can you hook up with her and with Harry and come on common sense use a condom how can you be stupid enough not to. What in the world makes that ok. You are a dirty whore just like mum!" Max spat out. Tally felt tears come to her eyes. "No I'm not like her I'm nothing like her!" She Shouted angrily. Beth watched on looking worried for the very obviously upset girl. "Yes you are. You fuck multiple people, you abandon your family and then just pretend that your a bit mentally fucked to be able to stick around!" Max Shouted back down the phone.

Tally was horrified with what was just said. It was said probably infronf of her whole family and beth could hear every word. "Max number 1 I am away doing what I love and let's not forget earning money. Do I get that money no it goes straight to amanda and bekah and I get money from them and them they use the rest on the kids. I'm doing it not only because I love it but because it means that they get a more stable life. That's what matters to me. And I do not hook up with multiple people I was sad me and Harry were hooking up before I left so I did it again to try and stop all the feeling of our triplet killing herself. And then yes I slept with drea but I love her. Like seriously love her. And lastly I am not pretending to be mentally fucked. My ocd is hardly under control no matter how hard I try if you want to know the truth of how I'm coping ask esme she has all the gory details of my episodes of when I just want everything to end. If im pretending then why 3 months ago did I try to overdose 4 times. Explain that to me!" Saying that hurt tally more than max would ever know.

Max was shocked she didn't know what to say. "You tried to overdose cos you were copying bridge. We all know it. It was a relief when you got put in the psych ward it was a break for us from your stupid attention seeking and pretending to be broken. Just get over it and stop being stupid. It should have been you that died not bridge you stupid gay whore so go die!" She screamed before hanging up.

Oooo drama
Basically this whole chapter is like important later on. Don't worry they sisters will be besties again later on in the story
Comment any ideas or suggestions or like absolutely anything live hearing from you guys and my brain is dryer than the sahara desert when it comes to ideas lately
What do we think of this chapter I'm.not sure
Hope everyone had a good Christmas or just holiday if you don't do it

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