part 69

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Tally got in the car with katie and along with viv, beth lia and jen they all drove to her knew house. It was a short drive but it was full of fun music and laughter and they all piled out of the car and tally unlocked the door. 'Okay girls this is my new house!' she said laughing, it was a strange situation for anyone to be in. the lights were on so she assumed the fam was home. She led the girls in with all her stuff and saw emma and the boys in the kitchen chatting. Harry looked up and smiled at her waving enthusiastically. She was hoping to avoid the family whilst she unloaded this but she accepted that she would now have to introduce emma to them now and then go sort her stuff out probably with harry.

She walked towards the kitchen whilst the girls grabbed the bags in from the car. She walked over to emma and said hi. 'Hey emma is it good if the girls help me sort my room out cos we sorted my old room out to bring it all here so yeah?' she asked hoping emma would say yes. Emma nodded 'of course sweetheart there always welcome here any of your friends are!' she said knowing how difficult it would be to gain tallys trust so she was trying to butter her up a bit. Tally smiled at her and thanked her before heading over to the girls and grabbing a bag and leading them up to her room.

She opened the door and turned the lights on revealing her bare room. The girls all went into the room and put the bags down. Most of them sat down on her bed while beth being beth sat on the floor. Tally snickered at beth when she did that as she sat down on the chair next to her desk. 'So talls what do you want to do with your new room?' beth asked looking at her curiously. 'Well i spoke to kirsten earlier and its looking likely that ill be here for the forseable future which i think im ok now but its never certain with fostercare so im not really sure?' tally said in a very detached way that sent shivers down the girls teammates spines.

'Well shall we get started then gal!' katie said excitedly she loved a good bit of decorating and she didnt want the bad vibes to continue. Tally nodded and unzipped the first bag. She found all her arsenal stuff and guestered to the rest of the stuff and the girls went to town. 'Okay so obviosulyy just dump clothes onto the floor preferably folded cos then i dont have to do it again to put it into draws and i dunno just decorate however make it look homey!' tally said trying to give them some guidance on her room. She didnt massively care about it though honestly. Suddenly she heard the door open and saw a little blonde head peak round. She opened her arms and harry came into the room and jumped into her arms as she was still sat down. She was glad he was small enough not to weigh loads otherwise it would be considerably more painful.

'Girls this is harry harry this is katie, beth, lia, viv and jen!' tally said introducing him to the girls being careful to point the girls out to the boy who would probably end up spending alot more time around the girls as would braeden. All the girls said hello and harry waved at them shyly. 'Hey buddy are you ok, do you want to stay with us!' tally asked the little boy softly. Harry leaned his head against her chest something she used to do with henry when she was a bit nervous or scared to hear his heartbeat. She brushed her fingers through his hair as he softly replied. 'Braedy wont play with me can i stay here with you please?' the girls barely heard him he said it so quiet. 'Okay harry thats fine were going to sort my room out a bit do you want to help me?' she asked as she stood up lifting harry up onto her hip waling over to the bags that they had brought in. he nodded not saying anything.

Tally sent an apologetic smile to the girls who probably werent expecting to have to spend there evenings with a 4 year old. They girls all sent back understanding smiles as they knew that he was probably gonna be adorable all evening. 'Okay girls lets try and make this into a room!' tally said enthusiastically placing harry down on her bed as most of the girls had gotten off just lia was still on there who smiled at him sweetly. He looked at her but looked away quickly but he was smiling which lia saw as a success. 'So talls how was the party?' beth said smirking with a jokey voice obviously asking about jess. Tally sent her a look. 'Hey buddy have asked emma what time dinner is?' tally asked wanting to not talk about it infront of him, she didnt know what he had been though but it cant have been good considering he ended up in care. Harry shook his head which tally was immensely grateful for. 'Would be able to go find out for me?' she asked sweetly feeling bad but hoping that they could have a couple of minutes of adult talk. Harry nodded loving feeling useful and crawled off the bed carefully not wanting to fall. He left through the open door and they heard him walk down the stairs. 'Okay so it was so fun i got absolutely hammered and maybe i may or may not have hooked up with someone!' tally quickly blurted out. Beth smirked and laughed as did the other girls. 'Who did you hook up with!' beth said smirking raising her eyebrows at the girl. 'Noo beth i dont want to knows shes just a baby!' viv whined really not wanting to know the detail of the kid she loved's sex life. Beth smirked and walked over to tally.

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