part 9

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She pulled her top off. "This is what happens when I let it get to me this is why I have to push it down otherwise I'm just weak just like her." Leah hugged her not having any words to give the girl hope. She didn't put the top back on but instead pulled out a hoodie with O'Sheere on the back of it. It was one of his school football team hoodies that he outgrew pretty quickly but she was still only just 5ft and very thin so it engulfed her body in the perfect way. She had quite a few of his clothes that she wore to feel close to him or to just feel anything at all. "Can we go back out but not talk about him anymore just continue and forget about it, I need to focus on something else please?" Asked tally unsurely. Leah nodded and stood up holding out a hand to the girl and they walked out of the room but not before tally placed the little black bag back into the draw of doom. "I'm sorry I just need it there as insurance it helps me when I need help more than anything else cam!" She said in a small voice before walking out of the room holding a worried-looking leahs hand. They returned and the look on leahs face said everything, she had gone full protective mum mode and they knew to not mention it. Esme understood it as well so when tally sat down on leahs lap her legs were pulled onto esme who held them righting not wanting to let go she leaned into leah feeling safer than she had in a while. 

Jordan gently whispered, "I'm sorry!" Into her ear and tally shook her head telling Jordan she had nothing to be sorry for. "Seeing as you don't really know us we thought we should go around saying fun facts about ourselves getting more and more odd each time for as long as we could as it's a good team bonding activity!" Said beth who looked at leah concerned for the girl who you could tell had been crying. She nodded and beth started. "Okay, I'll go first and then we should go this way so like jords and then leah and so on... so my fun fact is I refused to ask viv out but then I did ask her out!" Said beth as viv laughed at this. Jordan was next and said, "my fun fact is I basically have the memory of a goldfish!" Everyone laughed as per usual Jordan had said something that was just hilariously right and it was a running joke now. Leah looked at her and gave her a pat on the shoulder "my fun fact is I'm a plain Jane when it comes to food like if I was to go to Nandos I would get the plain chicken!" Leah said And right on cue everyone gasped and started laughing. Tally had been thinking about what to say and wasn't sure so she decided to go easy "my fun fact is that I can speak like 9 languages!" Said leah as esme nodded backing her up. "It's crazy she's like fluent in everything!" Esme said laughing. 

Daan looked at her and asked, "what languages do you speak?" With her thick Dutch accent shining through. Esme laughed as did tally. "It's a running joke in my family to see who can speak the most languages now but I can speak English obviously and umm Irish, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, French, German, Catalan, Romanian and Russian as well as I can do sign language!" Said tally as everyone looked at her shocked by the sheer amount of languages except esme who was just laughing. "In the house at Christmas it was always a massive competition to see who could have the longest conversation in as many languages as possible and talls is way too competitive so had to out language everyone!" Laughed esme giving them an insight to the strange family. Leah looked at her for a moment "Oh is that what you were doing with your aunt's sign language?" Asked leah but as more of a statement as a question "Yeah growing up in a multilingual household could get a bit confusing so as kids we would randomly switch between languages so whenever we get annoyed or like any emotion the language switches. It also depends on the person so if I'm talking with my aunt Amanda then normally I talk in Italian as she's from that side of the family but normally it's Spanish or English sometimes other languages if I'm the littler ones to help them learn more languages!" Explained tally as the others all looked intrigued. They kept chatting and soon it was 7 o'clock and people were starting to head off and it was just Jordan, leah, ruesha, Katie, beth, tally, and esme who was on the left again. 

They were now more spread out with leah on one end of the sofa and esme on the other with tally still on Leah's lap with her head resting on leahs chest as she listened to the comforting sound of her heartbeat. They had a quick lot of pesto pasta for dinner which jordan Katie and ruesha made not wanting to move the almost asleep teen from leah as she held onto the girl wanting to protect her from the world. Esme knew that tally wasn't going to eat dinner no matter what it was so suggested to leah to go lay her down in her bed as she was probably pretty drained. Leah nodded and picked the girl up easily slightly shocked at how light she was and carried her into her room. She laid her down in her bed but the girl remained latched onto her so she laid down with her to wait until she fell asleep. She gently stroked the girl's head as she began to drift of and in about 10 minutes the girl was gone. Leah left quietly and shut the door but nor all the way as she had noticed the girl doing that anytime the door was shut. Leah walked back out to the adults

Another chapter finished I'm impressed with myself and this one is mainly just fluffyness

Comment any suggestions or people you want to feature and love you guys xxx

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