part 13

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it was 4 by the time they arrived, and beth gently woke up tally. tally grumbled and pushed beth away as she attempted to wake her up. beth laughed. tally got out of the car, and the nerves set in. leah could tell that Tally was beginning to feel nervous. The kid had it projected across her face. leah got the bags out of the boot of the car and passed a groggy looking tally her laptop bag while beth folded up the blanket and put it into tallys bag, zipping it up. she handed the backpack to tally, and they shut the car, locking it. leah passed tally her suitcase and draped her arm around the kids shoulder as the 3 of them walked into the building, first to arrive. jonas was there and said to tally, "How have you found living with the girls? Are you looking forward to training?" Tally smiled. "The girls are great, very welcoming, and i met some of the others, and im really looking forward to playing for a proper team that wants to properly play again. It's been ages since I've played properly!" tally gushed the nerves now replaced with exitement. jonas nodded, happy with the answer. "leah, im trusting you to look after her okay, you are her host-mum, so protect her!" jonas said to leah, who nodded eagerly, very happy to be her host-mum. soon, others started to arrive, and jordan immediately rushed up to the tally and hugged her. "Hey, kid!" she said exitedly, tally laughing at this. "Hey Jordan, good to see you too!" she said. jordan patted the smaller girl on the head before hugging beth and leah as well. 

when they had all arrived, jonas read out this seasons room assignments. "Okay, guys, obviously you have noticed our new signing. This is Tally O'Sheere. She's very unusual in her style of playing, but don't let her age and size fall you! and that's what makes her so skilled, I trust that you will all make her feel part of the family, " he said. The girls all nodded and tally felt herself go red in the face as they all looked at her. Leah sensed this and motioned discretly for jonas to carry on with his talking while holding onto the girls hand tightly. "Right, so room arrangements are leah and tally, Jordan and beth, viv and Jill, jen and katie, caitlin and steph, daan and lia......" tally zoned out as he kept talking, just trying to focus on being calm.

Soon, everyone started to head to their rooms. Tally was happy she was with leah. She trusted her, and leah felt safe for her. Tallys days were slightly different from the other girls. They had to do work related stuff where as she had school to do. When they wouldn't be at camp, she had to go to proper school during some of the mornings and some of the afternoons.

Leah and Tally headed to their room. Next to them was jordan and beth on one side, and jen and katie were on the other. Tally was happy to be at camp, but she was really missing her family now. She had spent her whole life living with her siblings, and then suddenly she wasn't. She was basically spending most of her time with her siblings, and now she hadn't seen them in over 5 days, and she had never been away from them for that long before, she had a twin sister so she was never alone. Ever. She put her school stuff down on the desk and flopped down on the bed. "Are you okay, kid?" Leah asked, wondering how she was feeling on camp for the first time. Tally sat up and nodded. She was feeling slightly overwhelmed by the whole situation, but overall, she was really looking forward to it. Tally decided to get on to sorting the room out for her to stay in for the next week until Friday morning. She got the blankets out of her suitcase, of course her man city blanket that went everywhere with her everywhere and got out her emotional support teddies that she had for each one of her siblings. Leah chuckled when she saw the teddies. They were all different, each one representing the different personalities of her siblings. "Don't laugh. You will hurt their feelings!" Tally exclaimed, sounding mock offended. This just made leah laugh more. Tally got out her pyjamas, which consisted of the ribbed bike shorts and an oversized long sleeve top. 

Soon, it was time for team bonding, and Tally was excited to get to know the girls, but she knew how easily the girls could say something that could make her hurt inside. Leah and Tally made their way to the lounge room, where there were lots of sofas and bean bags. They had been given a list of questions to go through so they could bond and get to know each other. The aim of the game was to go to whatever side you agreed with. The first question was friends or family. This was tough for tally. She loved her family but friends she picked. Her siblings were her friends. The family she loved and loved her were her friends. Friends are the family that you pick. She ended up going with friends. There were one or two other girls with her, but the majority had gone to family. To be honest, they all had a similar ethos, and friends are family. They had to justify the reasoning and, for once, tally wasn't nervous, and she knew exactly what to say. When it was her turn she said "well friends are the family that you pick and the family that im close with and have good relationships with are my friends and my friends are my family but my family is very big and honestly some of them are just not very likeable!" She smiled as she spoke. She knew she made the right choice. The girls made similar statements, and they moved on to the next one. Coffee or tea. Now, that was hard. She loved tea it was great, but coffee was how she got through the day. She knew it was coffee, and this time, it was pretty 50 50. They did some more and then moved onto just basic questions. Tally was happy to sit down, the cuts on her stomach beginning to ache.

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