part 49

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once they went back inside she opened her phone and saw all of the tweets about her. she saw the statement she made on the arsenal page and saw the videos and photos all the girls had posted of her. they were all cute and well chosen and then she saw the ones ellie had just posted of her and esme. sure her arms were covered but you could clearly see that something was wrong they were covered with bandages after all. she had to admit tho they were cute videos, very cute she would have to get ellie to send them to her. she was just glad that no one had tagged her. her instagram was still pritave for the time being and tally was immensly grateful for that. she wasnt ready for any of the abuse that she had seen other players get on social media, twitter was bad enough. she had seen certain tiktoks aswell and they were just grim.

why were they sexualising a 16 year old so much, them sexualising her teammates was bad enough but they were adults where as she was a minor. they didnt know she was 16 but they definetely knew she was a minor it had been said a good few times in interviews which she knew had been put all over tiktok and twitter. she opened twitter and saw all the tweets about her, some were speculating why she left not accepting the statement said by arsenal and some where guessing about her arms, most of them were guessing rught aswell that was one of the worse things about it they were mostly right. she didnt want any of them to know she almost died sje regretted it and she just wanted to forget about it, she needed to move past it and if the public found out about it there was the chance it would come up in interviews and stuff like that and she wasnt ready for any of that. if they found out it would get brought up time and time again and she just needed to move past it.

 she didnt like that this media was such a big part of football it made it more painful and less fun in her opinion, she was a private person she didnt want to flaunt her private life to anyone especially people that could and would use it against her. she chose to ignore the rumours and focus on her last 2 days with her sister and the club as it was rare to see them all and she really enjoyed being with them. she at this point was more worried about the players at both england and arsenal that she was playing with would view her differently. 

the team sheet had come out the day before and to say it was bad would be an understatement she immediatley got horrible things posted on twitter about her taking peoples places and she didnt think she deserved that. neither did the girls leah beth and most of the arsenal girls had messaged or called her to ask if she was ok given all the hate. of course she wasnt but she couldnt admit that. ever. viv and lotte seemed to know that she wasnt okay when they both facetimed her together the night before but didnt say anything knowing it was better not to force it out of her at the risk she would just shut down which they didnt want to happen. they chenged the topic after that to make sure she didnt clam up 

she put her phone down and looked at the girls and jumped on alanna who was sat on the sofa, alanna wrapped her arms around the kid protectively, she too had noticed the negative backlash she had been getting lately and it worried her what would happen when she found out. it could lead to god knows what for her. tally snuggled in to the woman ignoring the hate she was getting, if she didnt think about it it wasnt happening. alanna watched as the girls headed to the team room leaving alanna and tally on their own. they were all supposed to be in a meeting but gareth could deal with with alanna missing, she wanted no had to talk to tally. Tally went to get up with the other girls but alanna gently stopped her and Tally looked down at her confused. Alanna gave her a soft smile and tally knew what this was about. It was alanna checking in. she had been expecting it but they hadn't had a moment alone. She knew why. Alanna had seen the bandages and so had everyone else especially now certain videos and pictures had been posted on social media, tally was nervous for the backlash of this, who knows what could happen now. Certain people still assumed she was ok and it had to stay that way. Certain important people. Nancy for 1, she was in no way ever gonna be put on a psych hold never again would that happen to her. And her social worker couldn't know she might make her go to a foster family rather than with the girls and she could cope with anymore change. Change stressed her out she had never been good at change. It made her go on edge and nervous. It had helped when she was on the super strong ocd meds but she had been weened of them and she could feel certain things were gonna go wrong at some point. She didn't feel herself. She knew something was off but would she tell anyone no.

"sit down kiddo!" alanna said softly pulling her gently back onto the sofa. Tally looked nervous and alanna hated that just talking about things did that to her. "its ok talls i just want to know how your doing, what happened with your school?" she asked, the worry obvious in her voice. "i dont know lanz i just feel like everything is out of my control, i dont want to do it, any of it but it makes me feel better and more well less out of control. school wasnt my fault really he was an absoloute dickhead he deserved it!" she said queitly not looking at alanna embarassed. alanna sighed and hugged the girl.

She didn't know what to say to rhe kid she was in so much pain and felt a way that alanna had never felt. She hadn't experienced the loss of her siblings or parents and especially nit both. She didn't know how to help the kid.

They just sat there hugging as tally began to drift off to sleep hugging her tightly. Tally felt safe like this and that was a rare thing to happen. By the time the girls cane back rhwy all cooed and awwed at the sleeping girl. By the time they hot home it was dinner time so alanna knowing that tally wasn't going to eat put tally into esmes bed and tucked her in kissing her softly on the head hoping she slept well.

friday 13th 

tally woke up as esme got out of bed. she turned over and groaned. she forced herself up and put on some joggers and one of esmes old hoodies and some plain puma socks she had 'borrowed' from esme and made her way to the kitchen. baring in mind it was only 630 am lauren was up and painfully energetic. "seriously chill its 630 do you not have mute button!" alanna said annoydly at the verging on hyper woman. tally highfived alanna thourally agreeing. Lauren came over to tally and hugged her. "Hey kid how are u feeling after ur incredibly long sleep?" She asked. Tally laughed. "Okay I must have been exhausted!" She said laughing.

They girls got out the house quickly and got into rhe car with all of tallys bags as she was bit coming back as she was going straight to England camp after this. The car ride to rhe bus was chilled out as alanna was so grumpy everyone knew not to say anything and they were all still pretty asleep. They loaded themselves onto rhe bus and tally was sat next to sandy and opposite esme and lauren.

Guys it's been so hectic lately sorry I'm not updating more.
My schedule is crazy rn and I'm in the middle of my end of year exams which are actually the crappyist things I've ever had to do icl
Hope you like this kinda shit chapter and as always leave comments suggestions and feedback i love hearing from you

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