part 28

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27th september

tally woke up at about 830 which was quite late for her. she looked around the room and saw leahs bed was empty and so was the bathroom. she grabbed her phone and saw a message from leah about 20 minutes ago saying she was in the dining room getting breakfast and to come down when she woke up. they didn't have any training as they had a match the day before so they had a tactical meeting about what went well and what can be improved. tally actually enjoyed these as she was a bit of a nerd and found it really interesting when he would talk in detail about stuff. she sat up and felt that oh-so-lovely rush so got up and went to the bathroom and put in a tampon happy that she was wearing black shorts and was sleeping on leahs black towel which was bloody genius as her pad was rather full. she went to the toilet and brushed her teeth and washed her face before heading back out to the room so she could decide what to wear. they didn't have to be in kit as it wasn't a training day. she put on some black joggers and a deep green oversized long sleeve top with oranges on and her fluffy socks and her some black and silver asics trainers and headed downstairs 

Tally entered the dining room and softly said "morning" to her teammates. She went over to the breakfast stuff and grimaced but took a deep breath and pushed the negative thoughts to the back of her mind. She decided that she could manage 2 pancakes so grabbed them with some maple syrup and fruit and put them onto her plate. Katie looked at her surprised to see her eating breakfast having rarely seen it happen.

She made a questionable decision as she does quite often and opened her mouth before thinking and said "got enough on your plate there love did you bang your head when ya passed out" sarcastically while chuckling slightly meaning no harm. Yet tally felt the shame of eating burn deep into her as she slammed her plate down and ran out of the dining trying desperately to stop the tears from rolling down her face as her mind raced a million miles an hour.

She stopped just outside and slid down the wall as she was out of sight of the kitchen there and reminded herself she couldn't cry she wouldn't she had to be stronger for herself and she was better she promised sera she would never find her like that again. Shuddering as she remembered the events that took place 2 years ago when it first started before everything got fucked up and before literally everyone she loved died. She remembered the look of terror on the then 5 year old girl as she found her passed out in the hallway, she promised it wouldn't get that bad again and it had never gotten that bad in front of her family again she couldn't risk harming there childhoods more than they already were. That day she made a promise and she could never ever break that promise she had tried so hard to keep it all inside and force herself to eat even when she didn't want to whenever she was with the littles. She slid down the wall as she came out of the flashback.

The silence in the kitchen was deafening. That was until Leah ruined everything for her in one simple sentence. She heard Leah punch Katie in the shoulder before Katie said "ow that hurt Leah" sounding annoyed. You could hear Leah scoff as she said it. "Katie how could you ever ever say that to the kid what on earth were you thinking, she has only just started to take back some of the control that the eating disorder she has been struggling with for years took from her and she's been doing so damn well and you just made her take a step back with one stupid sentence, come on McCabe get your head out of your ass and stop being so fucking stupid! "Leah shouted at her but then again was leah really known for being able to keep her mouth shut? No. As Leah said the almighty paragraph she crept back to the kitchen doorway as all of her teammates faced away from that she felt tears roll down her face as Leah outed one of her biggest and most private secrets to a whole group of people where only a few carefully selected people knew.

With that the trust in leah was gone. She said barely above a whisper "how could you, I trusted you!" to leah in horror as everyone turned around to look at her. She hated the pitying and shocked faces she was met with and felt her hands begin to shake as she stayed frozen to the spot. None of those looks compared to how hurt and betrayed and outrighted scared Tally felt now. She breathing sped up and she looked more and more nervous as each second went past.

Beth got up worried for the young teen and shooting worried looks at daan, leah and Jordan, the only people who knew the full extent to what was going on with the girl. She immediately took the girls hand in hers and rubbed her thumb over her hand trying to calm her down. She put her arm around the girl around her shoulders and led her out the room as she saw tally being closer and closer to her mask breaking.

As soon as they were out of the sight of the people in the kitchen she started to sob as she put her head into beths chst as she cried desperately trying to find comfort in her.  Beth gently lifted up tallys head so she was looking at her as she gently said "sweetheart you have to eat something, I know you feel a bit crap after what katie said and she should have in no circumstances said it but don't let it get to you kiddo you don't want to let you fall back into old habits so what shall I get you to eat, it doesn't have to be anything big maybe just an apple or some fruit or something?" reassured beth as gently as possible as the girl looked on the verge of tears again at the thought of having to eat anything. She nodded.

Beth went to go get an apple and some fruit and some berries from the kitchen and grabbed jordan aswell, she could always calm the girl down. Tally hugged jordan as soon as she saw her and jordan held onto the young teen tightly. They went up to beths room. She was sharing with katie so it wasn't ideal but tally was sharing with leah and she couldn't deal with her tight now. She had betrayed her trust to a whole new level. Tally quietly asked "Can I have a shower?". Beth nodded and offered to go grab a hoodie for the girl for after. Tally agreed. Beth sent Jordan a certain look. Jordan understood that Beth was telling her to be careful of what the girl might do if she's on her own. They didn't want a repeat of last time.

Jordan kept an eye of Tally while beth went to get clothes for the kid. She was met with leah in her room who looked like she had been crying. "Oh leah, she just needs some time to cool off, she thinks you betrayed her bit give her time and she will realise you didn't, she's in my room right now with jordan and were making sure she doesn't do anything stupid. Maybe come and check on her in an hour after she's had a shower and calmed down a bit. I've managed to get some food in her though which is good!" Beth said softly as leah wiped her eyes and hugged beth nodding gently. She felt like she fucked their relationship up completely. She felt so stupid. Beth grabbed some random hoodie and leah chuckled and took them off of beth and grabbed hee favourite hoodie. Beth smirked at her and said thanks before heading back to the room.

She handed the hoodie over to tally who silently nodded at her and beth guided her into the bathroom. She noticed that there was a razor in the shower presumably that katie left there so grabbed it and stashed in her pocket before hugging tally and gently leaving and shutting the door. beth came out and sighed and sat down next to jordan.

This chapter was a but deep but its not bad
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Arsenal have signed another dutchie.
They do need another forward tho I think so maybe sell mana and buy someone else cos she gets no game time so I'm surprised she's still there to be honest

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