part 41

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Tw sh, suicide

Monday 7th October

Tally woke up at like 8 and felt a headache. She groaned and then realised she wasn't in her room. And she was on top of someone. She rubbed her eyes and looked and saw that she was practically on top of viv. She didn't remember coming into baths room the night before. she grimaced, thinking about what she had probably stopped from happening. she was sure that both would tell her all about it later, though. suddenly, the night events all came flooding back to her. she felt a bit sad thinking back to the night before. Leah was mad at her. like really mad. she had disappointed her. she was a disappointment. she got out of bed and went into her room quickly. she shut the door slightly and rummaged around in her draw. the draw. she grabbed the blade and looked at it for a moment. all the bad thoughts came flooding back. she wasn't good enough. she was a disappointment, she was a traitor, and she abandoned her family. it was all too much. she couldn't cope. she did one cut and gasped, going deeper than she meant to. blood. so much blood. what had she done? she dropped the blade. blood was flowing down her wrist. she hadn't meant to. she didn't want to die. did she? 

she stayed frozen for a moment. she could hear the blood, hitting the floor. suddenly, she could move again. she took a moment to process what she did. what had she done? she knew it was bad. shed hit something big. it had been a mistake. at least she thought it, she hoped it was. in reality, she wasn't sure. she was shaking. she could feel herself become light-headed. she knew she needed to get help, but did she want to? she felt tears begin to flow down her face. the blood and tears mixed as she realised what she had done. she couldn't die yet. she couldn't. she walked to beth's room and opened the door, seeing the woman still asleep. "Viv!" she said as loud as she could go. She felt so weak. she had a tight hold on her wrist, but the blood was flowing down her wrists through her hand. "v-viv!" she said, trying to go louder. Viv stirred and squinted, looking at her. she sat up upright when she saw Tally's look on her face. she looked at her and saw her arm. the blood was still flowing heavily. she turned around and shook beth. she grabbed Beth's towel that had been left on the floor the day before and wrapped it tightly around Tally's arm. beth sat up, too. "shit kid!" she said loudly. Viv looked at her as if she was warning her she had to be careful what she said. Viv could see how fragile the girl was. "I feel dizzy!" tally said quickly. Viv stood up, not caring that she was in just a sports bra and some of beths shorts. "beth, this is bad, like its deep, stitches deep!" viv said to beth quietly. 

tally felt everything go dark. viv felt her go limp. "beth crap shes passed out. we have to take her to the hospital!" viv said to beth worriedly. beth looked terrified. she grabbed a hoodie and pulled it on and pulled on some joggers, grabbing some for viv and a hoodie for viv and one for Tally. they rushed out of the room, and beth grabbed her keys and viv picked up tally, keeping a tight hold on her arm. they rushed out and drove to the hospital. it was like a 10 minute drive, but somehow, beth managed to make it there in just under 5 minutes. the way she was driving, it was a miracle they made it there at all, to be honest. in that moment, all they cared about was tally. they had to make sure she was ok. she couldn't not be. she was so important to the team. she had to be alright. beth didn't know what she would do without their kid. they rushed inside the hospital and said to the receptionist what had happened and they were seen straight away. beth was thankful as she knew how much of a rarity that was. 

the nurse was called Nurse Mount, and she seemed nice. she wasn't judgy, which viv and beth appreciated, and she let them stay despite not being family. tally woke up pretty soon after she had her wrist stitched up. but while she was still sleeping, the nurse hooked her up to an iv with fluids and some painkillers as it was going to be painful when she woke up. beth hadn't even thought about telling the other girls yet. she knew she had to, tho. she was sitting in a chair next to viv watching their kid sleep. she looked so sweet and tiny. so small. viv looked at beth and said "babe its been like 10 o'clock. we need to tell the girls!" she said softly. viv looked at her and nodded. "leah was so annoyed yesterday and basically ignored her. She's gonna be devastated, but we should probably tell lia waelti, jords and daan, at least!" beth said. viv nodded. "Do u wanna call them, or should I?" she asked. beth shrugged and then said "ill do it. Just make sure you hold her hand!" beth said, worried about leaving the kid. viv nodded and gave beth a hug and sat next to tally, holding onto tallys hand tightly. Beth went outside the room and sat down in the waiting room and phoned jordan first.

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