part 11

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TW ED, SH, implied suicide attempts

Beth looked at her sadly relating to how she felt. She didn't know how to reply to the first thing the girl had said, it was worrying but it wasn't surprising given what leah had told her. She held the girl extra tight on her lap not wanting to let go. "Have you ever dated or kissed a girl?" She whispered sensitively to the girl understanding it was a hard topic. Tally nodded but didn't reply and beth was unsure. "After dating guys, it kind of put me off dating altogether, especially after I almost destroyed my relationship with my best friend so I started to go out more I kissed some girls but I don't really know!" She said quietly. Ruesha moved closer to them and they hugged it out for a few minutes. 

"Can you not mention this conversation to esme please I just, she's my sister and I want to be sure before I tell her anything because she cannot keep a secret to save her life!" Tally said quietly to the two women who had cocooned themselves around her. They both nodded and ruesha had the genius idea to watch TV until the others were up. Tally tried her hardest to eat her breakfast but she knew it wasn't going to happen so she just chucked it away while no one was looking. She knew she had problems of course she knew but she couldn't help it. At 8 leah and esme had gotten up leaving just Katie still asleep. 

Tally went and changed out of her pyjamas putting on an oversized long-sleeve top and some of her signature Nike pros with some fluffy socks. ruesha had gone to go wake up Katie and leah were talking to tally so beth thought it was the perfect time to talk to esme. she wasn't going to talk to her about the whole sexuality thing but rather about how the kid had alluded to suicide attempts. esme was in the kitchen looking at something when beth walked over to her. "did you see tally eat breakfast?" esme asked beth quietly not wanting tally to hear her. beth shook her head "no she had a bowl of granola with blueberries but I didn't see her eat it it was just gone at some point so she must of, but umm I need to talk to you about her!" said beth at matching volume. esme nodded at her looking worried as she waited for what she was going to say. "this morning we were talking and she hinted that she had previously tried to kill herself, I just wondered if it was true or I had just misinterpreted it?" she asked the worry evident. esme nodded but looked down at her feet before saying "it is yeah but if you want to know anything about it you should really ask her not me as it's quite .... complicated!" explained esme. beth nodded understanding why it wasn't for her to say. esme was eager to have a good day as it was the last, tomorrow morning she was heading back to manchester and tally and the arsenal girls were off to camp. 

they had decided to have a movie night and let tally pick the movie as they were trying to make her as comfortable as possible ahead of tomorrow. tally was feeling nervous about tomorrow and she knew that it was obvious, she was fidgeting her hands and asking the girls lots of questions about their teammates. she knew that was why she got to pick the movie. she decided to go with one of her comfort movies, one that she used to watch with her family a lot at family movie nights back when they were a family. god she missed those. She went with the spy next door. It was her big brothers all-time favourite movie from when he was small and he made all of his siblings watch it so they were all equally obsessed with it. She knew it would help her relax ahead of tomorrow, the prospect of having to say goodbye to esme and meet lots of new people was daunting. Big time. Viv, Jordan, Jen and Jill had come around to watch the movie with them as they were having a chilled day. Viv and beth were cuddled up on a sofa with Katie and ruesha next to them and then on the other sofa there was tally who was leaning against esme with her legs on leah, Jordan was next to leah and Jen and jill were on the smaller sofa. About a quarter of the way through the movie tally was feeling a bit cold and esme could tell. She gently moved the girl off of her and went to the bathroom before going into the girl's room grabbing her water bottle, a hoodie and her blanket before heading back out. She moved tally back onto her this time with the girl sat on her lap giving her the hoodie which was a last season Brighton FC hoodie with tally's surname on the back to put on. She put the full water bottle on the floor and draped the man city blanket over tally with leah making sure she was covered. 

Tally thanked esme quietly as esme hugged her tightly. She was going to miss the kid lots. Esme loved this movie, she would watch it a lot when she went around to their house which was basically all the time as she got very close with his family and views them as her family as well. The movie had 15 minutes left and tally was lying on esmes lap with her hips on leah and feet just past jordan. She could feel herself drifting sleepily away as the world of dreams beckoned her. By the time she woke up they had put on another movie, clueless no doubt leahs choice and esme were stoking her head gently encouraging her to keep sleeping. She grabbed her water bottle and had a drink. She shifted around a bit before getting comfortable again and fiddling with the rings on esmes fingers as she watched the movie. Once the movie was over it was lunch time and tally was dreading it. Esme looked at tally feeling worried, she knew that her girl had skipped breakfast. She knew deep down that tallys issues were still there but she was so disappointed in herself for not figuring out her lies sooner, she had been telling everyone for 2 months that she was fine. She should have been able to see it. 

They had some sandwiches and she watched as tally ate making sure she was eating and wasn't just going to chuck it away again. Tally could sense she was being watched, she just knew it. She ate the whole ham sandwich, she was like leah in that sense, she was not a fan of fancy food she was a simple girl and was much happier with a basic old Margherita pizza than some fancy ass dish. She ate it slowly as she forced herself to swallow every bite, having to ignore the overwhelming feeling to go throw it up. She pushed it down. She was good at that. You know what they say, practice makes perfect. After they had lunch beth and viv went out on a date while everyone else stayed to watch another movie. Soon it was 6 pm and beth and viv came back and Jen and jill left. Tally felt like she knew those 2 a bit better now but still didn't feel overly comfortable with them. She forced her way through dinner quite easily making sure to keep her facade of happiness up. They didn't hang out that night as a group as tally just wanted to savour the time She had left with her favourite person. They talked for a few hours but had both fallen asleep by 11.

Thanks for reading I hope your enjoying it so far
Leave me any comments or suggestions or ideas
Also I've realised I've been forgetting to trigger warning some of the chapters so sorry and let's just assume most of this book will need a trigger warning xx

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