part 22

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Tally just sat on the floor of the changing rooms crying. Beth didn't know what to do. She had heard exactly what her sister had said and it was a lot to take in. She felt so bad for her teammate. Firstly one of her triplet sisters dies and then the other remaining one is being an absolute bitch. They had a match in like 3 days and tally was meant to be playing.

Beth wasn't worried about the match in the whole scheme of things Tally's well-being was far more important but tally would feel like she had to play and wouldn't tell anyone if she physically couldn't until it was too late. She knew that!

Tally needed to not think about what had happened. She couldn't right now she just couldn't. She wanted to go back out and finish training. That was what she needed right now. She got up abruptly and wiped her eyes and went into the bathroom. Beth was worried for the girl. She knew she didn't have the best track record for dealing with her emotions and that when she pushed them down it never ended well. She had seen that 1st hand.

Tally was staring at herself in the mirror. It was obvious that she had been crying and she was still feeling really sad over what had been said about her by her twin sister and she hadn't even gotten to talk to Rosie. She felt so done. She sighed as she dug her nails into her wrists trying to get a grip on the emotions she was feeling. She felt relief as blood dripped down her arms. Once it stopped she smiled weakly into the mirror and pulled her sleeves down sighing heavily. She was just going to have to finish it off later. she needed more of a release but it would do for now. 

she walked back out to beth and looked at her, taking a big breath and trying hard to stop her shaking hands. "can we go back out now?" she asked softly. beth looked shocked and didn't know what to say. she went over to the girl and gave her a big hug before holding her face in her hands and looking at her trying to gauge how she was. beth agreed and they went outside. she felt the girl grab her hand as they walked back out to the field. tally knew it was obvious that she had been crying but she chose to ignore it. as soon as people could see her and beth more clearly she got looks of worry from them. Leah and Jordan exchanged a worried look and glanced at beth who just discreetly shook her head hoping that the girls would get what she meant. they went back to the group and started to do 5 side matches. tally was on a team with anna patten who the girls called patsy as a defender, tally was in midfield along with Lia Waelti and beth as the forward with manu as keeper. she didn't know the girls except for beth that well so it was good to get playing practice so they could try and get used to each others playing styles. jonas knew what a versatile player she was so had decided to test her out in midfield for this game and then defender for the next. he had seen all the videos of her playing and she played in pretty much every position really well. she was definitely more comfortable in midfield than any other position but she was curious to see what Jonas had to say. 

she noticed as they were watching the other 2 teams do 5 a sides beth was talking to Jonas with leah. she could only imagine what beth was saying and nervousness was growing inside of her. soon both came back over and were joined by Jordan and leah. jordan immediately gave her a hug and stroked her hair "are you ok?" she whispered so only tally could hear it. tally looked at beth worried but beth shook her head to show that she hadn't told anyone about the phone call.

she didn't answer Jordan who she suspected knew the answer to this anyway. it was obvious how she was feeling. then suddenly it was their turn to play. they won against the opposite team 3-2 and tally scored 2 of the girls. it made her day feel a little less shit. she knew she was playing not great tho she got a yellow card in the match and had done several bad tackles. she hadn't meant to but they ended up going sideways.

they hurried into the changing rooms as the weather began to turn. in less than 3 minutes it was torrential rain. the weather in the UK was always interesting, to say the least. she didn't want to risk anyone talking to her she just couldn't deal with that right now she just needed to be anywhere but talking to a bunch of people about anything that was mentioned in that phone call. She went up to leah and quietly said "I'm gonna head up to our room I have school work and I don't want to be asked why I was crying so ill see u up there!". Leah looked at her worried. "Are u going to be okay on your own?" Leah asked worried she might hurt herself if she was on her own having noticed specks of blood on the girl's hand. Tally looked at leah slightly shocked. "I'm fine leah!" She said nervously hoping she couldn't see through it. "Are u sure?" Leah asked sensing the nerves and guessing she wasn't being overly truthful. "Christ Lee I said I'm fine if I feel like jumping out of a window I'll come and find you but until then I'll be upstairs!" She said in a hushed tone so no one else could hear. Leah felt missed emotions. Worry, guilt, and nerves coursed through her body as well as a hint of happiness when she realised that the teen had given her a nickname.

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