part 5

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I've made some small changes to the team ie kept jill and daan in it but Viv and beth are still together.


Tally looked away for a moment and bam the look of guilt was gone, replaced with Leah's normal face with a hint of concern. Had she just imagined it all? she sat down on her bed next to where she had put her medications and where Leah was sat. she briefly made eye contact before looking down again at what she was doing. she got her medications out and lined the pills up on the bed. just fantastic she thought "I have OCD medication to try and stop me from doing this isn't that just fantastic!" she said inside her head. she took them one at a time with water before getting up and putting the boxes back into her drawer of doom. and sat back down on her bed after shutting the door and once again removing her hoodie so Leah could finish cleaning the cuts up. leah gently got to work on her stomach this time she was sure when she touched her stomach she flinched. Leah was more confused about this girl than ever. 

"so whos coming over again?" asked tally trying not to focus on what was happening. leah smiled at her knowing what she was doing "Jordan my best friend who plays for arsenal is coming over, ruesha who plays for villa but is coming over to see Katie and to meet you, and then a few of the girls not all of them though, so we have daan, viv whose Beths girlfriend, jill, Jen, Steph and then the others you will meet tomorrow at training!" explained Leah to an anxious looking tally. tally nodded unsure of how she felt, that was a lot of new people. leah once again put plasters on the particularly deep cuts before gently bringing the girl's arm over to her lap so she could clean it properly, she looked at the cuts and turned the kid's arm over to see the multitude of parallel cuts all the way along her arms with varying amounts of healing. "oh kiddo!" leah said full of emotion as she very gently started to clean the cuts. "I'm sorry!" tally squeaked out at her feeling embarrassed and ashamed for being so weak. "sweetheart you have nothing to be sorry for I'm not mad or annoyed at I just wish I could stop you from feeling like this!" explained leah as tally tried to stop the tears. leah grabbed 2 bandages out of her first aid kit and began to wrap one around the kid's forearm carefully making sure it wasn't too tight or too loose then securing it with some micro tape. Leah then did the other arm and hugged the girls again. 

"Okay kiddo it's now 830 so am I right in thinking you have schoolwork?" Leah asked to which tally nodded and leah started to speak again "okay well Jordan and ruesha are coming over at 11ish so that gives you some time to get it done now if u want to, what a levels do you actually do?" Tally nodded and said, "Okay yeah I'll try and get it finished now and I do maths, pe, biology and psychology!" Lesh nodded and smiled. "I did maths and pe and beth did pe and biology so if you need any help just come and find one of us, I'm popping out for a run but I'll only be like half an hour, okay?" Leah said in need of reassurance that the girl would be okay. Tally nodded at her and leah gave her a hug "call me if u need anything!" And when tally nodded she left the room leaving the door slightly ajar having picked up on the girl always doing that. 

Leah was not actually going for a run but rather going to sit in the field where she did running to facetime Esme who had been frantically trying to get in contact with her since she had first messaged her. Esme picked up straight away anxious to hear what Leah had to say about the kid she thought of as her little sister. "she's okay physically, I've cleaned and patched her up but mentally I don't know what is going on, I only know because I saw her cuts I don't think she would have let anyone know what's going on with her. does she talk to you about this?" said Leah to Esme who looked visibly upset. esme shook her head wishing she knew what was going on with the kid. "she had a pretty shitty last year and her relationship with her mum disintegrated and I know it's not the first time she's done this but she told me when things got bad last time and she promised she would help, but she told me she was better and she was eating and doing well, well better than before!" Explained esme to a concerned-looking leah "I think that when you have the time you should come and visit!" Leah suggested suddenly hoping it might help the girl. "Yeah, I think that's a really good idea, I'm free today for like 4 days so ill travel down soon and get there at about 12ish yeah, can I stay at yours, I'll sleep on the sofa well, to be honest, I'll probably just bunk with the kid!" Leah nodded relieved someone might be able to help the teen. "Was she close to other people at home?" Asked leah. "Yeah she has an identical sister so she's close to her but they've been having some difficulty lately I'm hoping they've sorted that out. She has a few younger siblings but she's very close with her 12-year-old brother so she's probably missing him a lot!" Explained esme giving leah some insight into the difficult family dynamic going on without telling her anything she thought was up to Tally to tell.

Please comment suggestions or anything you would like to happen I'm a bit stuck with these bits as I have some major chapters but need some fillers and bonding/fluff type stuff.
Thanks for reading and voting <333

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