part 6

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Leah got back from the run about 30 minutes after she left and went into Beth's room after having talked everything out with esme and confirmed her travel. "Hey, Beth!" Said leah sounding defeated as she flopped down next to beth on her bed. "You okay le?" Asked Beth worried about her best friend who looked sad. "So jords and ruesha are coming over at 11 and the others are coming over at about 1!" The look of sadness left her face slightly at her mention of seeing the girls. "Okay but leah what's going on with you why are u sad?" Asked Beth Still worried about the blonde. "It's the kid, I'm worried about her!" Leah started unsure whether to tell beth what she saw, whether she should clue her in or let the kid have her privacy. "I saw this morning and her shorts had rolled up and she had, she had umm cuts like that she had done to herself and I cleaned them up for her and dressed them and u asked her to trust me and to let me help her and she took off her top and they were all over her stomach and arms, it was awful, I feel so horrible that she feels so bad she has to do that to herself, I just want to help her so much!" Explained leah to a horrified beth whose mouth was hanging agape at the revelation of the kid's problems. 

Leah felt guilt set in immediately after telling beth what had happened feeling that she had betrayed the kid who had only just started to open up. "Is she OK, ughh that's such a stupid question sorry!" Said beth not sure what to do. "It's 1030 now so jords and ruesha will be here soon I'm gonna go see how the kid is doing with her school work and have a chat with her!" Said leah giving beth a tight hug while beth affectionately rubbed her back before leaving the room. She knocked on Tally's door before hearing a quiet "come in". She went into the room and saw the kid looking at the laptop at her desk. "How's your work going?" Asked leah to the girl staring into the abyss that was her laptop.  "Yeah it's going well thanks, how was your run?" Tally asked. "It was good thanks kid, do you need any help with your work you should probably start to finish up because drum roll I'm going to help you pick your outfit, and yes this is very important you can tell a lot of a person from their first outfit and wearing a city hoodie is probably not the best start just saying!" Joked leah as tally laughed at what she was saying. "Umm no I've finished my work for today so I don't need any help but sure you can help me pick my clothes!" She laughed as leah nodded very seriously. 

Tally opened her wardrobe and got out a black jersey-type zip-up hoodie with M14 written on it. Leah nodded at her choice and grabbed a pair of turquoise mid-length jogger shorts with a white t-shirt so I would be comfortable but still look nice. By the time we had finished this, the doorbell went and Katie answered the door to see her girlfriend and Jordan. "Hey come in!" She said as she welcomed the women inside and they made their way to the sofa as they had done so many times before. Tally came out of her room looking nervous, fidgeting with the numerous amount of rings on her fingers. Leah went over to her and grabbed her hand to try and reduce the nerves a bit and brought her over to the girls now that beth and Katie had sat down with them as well. 

"Ruesh, jords this is tally our new player so be nice!" said leah jokingly. "Nice to meet you, darling," said ruesha to tally who nodded at her too nervous to say anything. Leah sensed that and put an arm around her shoulder protectively, giving her a quick squeeze trying to encourage her to come out of her shell a bit. Jordan smiled at her warmly sensing how nervous she was recognising the signs immediately but felt happy when she saw leah react to this and bring the girl in for a discreet side hug. katie and ruesha began to make lunch up and leah sat down with Jordan, beth and tally having a chat with tally actually participating! "so kid hows living with the girls going?" asked Jordan to a slightly more relaxed tally hoping it would break the ice a bit. "yeah it's good so far Leah's been really nice but beth was mean about my hoodie!!!" tally exclaimed laughing, while leah squeezed her hand supportively when she got mentioned. "it was a city hoodie it was justified!" laughed Beth. jordan gasped at Beth's comment and mock said "you're a city fan, I'm not sure I can recover from this!" as they all started laughing. the doorbell rang. leah went and answered the door knowing it was. 

She welcomed esme in and heard tally run towards the woman and fling herself at her. Esme picked her up considering the 9-inch height difference wasn't difficult for her. "Hey, bea how are you doing?" She asked tearfully having not seen the girl in what felt like an eternity. "Ezzy I've missed you so much!" Cried tally as she clung to esme like a koala. Jordan looked up slightly shocked at this interaction, confused at what was going on and why her England teammate and city player was here in London at an arsenal meet-up and how she knew their newest completely unknown to the world player who was only a kid. Jordan patted the sofa and esme carried tally over to the large sofa easily and sat down next to Jordan and beth placing tally down next to her but still holding her hand. "how come you're here?" asked Jordan and tally looked at esme wondering the same thing. "I invited her, thought it might help you relax and stuff!" said leah with the word stuff being loaded with information that only Jordan didn't understand. Tally looked at leah unsure whether she had told esme anything, she thought that esme kind of knew anyway as she could read her like a book. "thanks!" she said to leah who looked shocked at this, evidently not the response she was expecting. tally got her phone out and opened her photos and showed esme a picture of a toddler. "this is Henrietta, she's the reason why bridge wasn't there around then and her birthday is 30th September!" gushed tally as esme felt tears begin to form in her eyes. "she's beautiful, I love the name shes so perfect in so many ways!" esme said trying to hold the tears back. tally nodded and squeezed esmes hand. 

"so bea what have you been up to recently?" asked esme not thinking anything of it when leah interrupted "bea?" she questioned looking confused as did Jordan. "my middle name is Beatriz, it what my papis side of the family call me!" explained an uncomfortable looking tally before not letting anyone say anything about it and saying "oh you know the usual before coming here, party after party with andy and that lot, to be honest, my life was pretty much well I mean like 5 months ago it was football party repeat but I stopped playing like 4 months ago so it was literally just me going to parties with the group and babysitting but now I don't ever get hungover so let's are honest its paid off and then I started playing again like literally 2 weeks before coming here!" she explained knowing esme would be able to read between the lines. "I'm so happy that you started to play again!" Said esme knowing the reason she stopped was serious.

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