part 15

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18th september

The coach's journey to the hotel in Manchester where they were staying was fun and she watched the girls sing and make TikTok and just generally have a good time messing around. That definitely helped with the nerves that tally felt before her match. She had had a meeting with Jonas and he said that she was going to be subbed on at around the 70th minute for Viv and she was scared shitless. The girls had told her not to worry but how was she supposed to not worry? How. By the time they got to the hotel, it was almost 6 o'clock. She was sharing a room with Leah again. Most of the girls were on their own in their rooms this time but Leah being the protective host mum she is requested a double room for them to share so she could keep an eye on tally and make sure she was okay. Beth found it hilarious when she found that out but tally just felt a bit miffed. She was being treated like a child, she went from being at home and the adult looking after the kids to being treated like a kid who can't be left on her own. She understood Leah just wanted to make sure she was safe and okay but she didn't want to be the child she was already the baby of the team and she didn't want to be anymore the baby. She had managed to keep from the rest of the team the state of her arms so why wasn't she trusted to be on her own? She hadn't worn short sleeves once and if anyone was questioning it they didn't say.

She spent Saturday doing a training session, meeting with the medical team so they could make sure she was prepared physically for the game which she was, she was honestly just relieved she didn't have to take any layers off and then Leah, beth, Jordan, Jen and tally chilled in tally and leads room watching some tv. It was a good day of relaxing before her match and it calmed her nerves a bit. 

Tally was nervous for the first match, she was relieved it was against man city so at least she could see me but she was still scared shitless. she had been awake since 4 that morning and had been doing sodoku on her phone, something she copied off leash, she found it oddly comforting. at about 430 she knew she was getting into her head way too much and she knew it but she couldn't stop the voices, the tears began to roll down her face as the voices got louder and louder. she didn't know what to do so she did the only thing she could. she breathed out a sigh of relief as the blood began to drip down her arm. it began to get faster as she cut more and more going deeper than she had intended. she was in a trance. she snapped out when she heard her door open. she had been crying and not even realised. she pulled her sleeve down in an instant and looked up making eye contact with a horrified-looking Leah. "it is not what it looks like!" said quickly. Leah looked at her incredulously knowing she knew that she knew exactly what was going on. She gently picked the girl up placing her on the counter of the bathroom as she rolled her sleeves up and sighed. She smiled weakly at tally trying to comfort the girl who still looked like a deer in headlights. She went back into her room and grabbed the first aid kit she had brought in case something like this happened. She grabbed the towel and dampened it gently wiping off the blood. She was just happy tally hadn't gone too deep, it was deep enough to bleed more than she had hoped but it wasn't deep enough to need stitches which was a massive relief for both of them. She got an alcohol wipe out and cleaned the cuts whispering apologies whenever she would flinch from the stinging. She then wrapped a gauze and blanket around them. "Sweetheart we don't have to talk about it right now if you don't want to but I do want to talk about it tomorrow, I think we should go back to he'd and try to get a good night's sleep okay?" Leah said softly. Tally nodded and tried to walk back to her bed but Leah pulled her over to her bed and they got into Leah's bed. Leah wrapped her arms protectively around her girl. 

they woke up the next morning at 7 and tally was hit with the regret of last night. Leah was sitting up in bed reading a book. tally moved into a seated position and Leah put down the book and turned to look at her. "can we talk about what happened and what caused this morning?" Leah asked softly not wanting to make the girl cry. especially before later today. tally shrugged not particularly wanting to talk about it. "I just got a bit overwhelmed and nervous about tomorrow and it all just got too much and I didn't want to wake you up cos I was embarrassed and I just needed it to stop!" tally said quietly. Leah brought her into a hug and kissed the top of her head, "kiddo always wake me, always, please don't be embarrassed I just want to help!" Leah said into her as they hugged. they got up and Leah went to the bathroom. tally went over to her suitcase and as it was freezing put on her long fluffy pyjama bottoms with the aristocats on. the cold September weather was beginning to set it. Leah came out of the bathroom and laughed. "nice pyjamas!" she said and tally giggled as well. "what it's cold and 715, if I have to have breakfast this early I'm not getting dressed yet!" tally exclaimed. Leah nodded agreeing and grabbed a zippy hoodie and put it on. tally had her light blue baggy oversized long-sleeve top with outlined green fish on and the grey fleecy joggers with the Aristocats on she put on some fluffy socks and her sliders and they made their way down to the dining hall. tally barely felt awake and Leah could tell so she stopped them almost as soon as they started walking. she knelt and gestured for her to get onto her back. tally got on and Leah piggybacked her down to the dining room. tally appreciated it, she was still tired and her arms were aching quite a bit after the whole morning thing. when they went in beth and jordan who were sat with steph and jen went awww. Leah laughed but tally just put her middle finger up at them while smiling. Jen gasped at this. "Whose been teaching the innocent child this?" She exclaimed jokingly. Beth laughed "Don't think we had to teach her anything she's not so innocent!" She said laughing tally responded to this with 2 middle fingers. "Charming!" Beth said. 

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