part 50

1.4K 36 12

Tw sh

13th October


squad list is

mary, ellie, Hannah, sandy

millie, lucy, rachel, alex, esme, niamh, leah, lotte

jordan, tally, georgia, ella, kiera, beth

lauren hemp, lauren james, chloe, alessia, beth

Tally sat next to sandy and opposite esme and lauren as the bus made its way to Crawley to play Brighton. Tally was looking forward to seeing them play and not against her. She had all her stuff ready for after the match when they were driving down to England camp. She of course was wearing a alanna Kennedy mancity top partly to piss off esme. It worked. And alanna had planned it all ans given her the shirt. Esme was in a huff about it and it was so funny.

the bus ride was chaotic to say the least. the girls were playing music doing karaoke and making videos for the whole journey. tally had a fun time but she noticed the constant little snacks being fed to her by the people that knew her

They got to Brighton at about 10 and the match was at 430 so they had a but to get ready and chill for a bit. Sandy couldn't play as they were using the younger gk khiara so she wasn't on the bench so was sitting with steph, alanna and tally for the match as neither of them were playing. Tally sandy and steph went into Brighton and tally had missed it. They grabbed some food well steph and sandy did but tally just told them she wasnt hingry. Sandy didnt think anything of and just presumed she had a large breakfast but steph knew better than that she knew the kid wasn't eating she felt how light the kid was and how skinny she had gotten.

They didn't push tho, steph knew better than that. She knew that if they pushed she would shut down which they didnt want to happen. They mooched around Brighton for a bit and then headed back to lovely Crawley and watched the team warm up.

Steph looked at the time and realised that it was time to check tallys arms. She had promised esme that she would do it as esme was worried she had cut herself again since the last time. Steph put her hands on tallys shoulders and squeezed gently. Tally looked at steph unhappily. She knew what it was time for. She wasn't happy about it. She hadn't done anymore on her wrists she wasn't that stupid she knee they were getting checked. She had a sneaking suspicion that sandy knew that she had Hurt herself in a more hidden place. Sandy had touched the kids thighs slightly when she had her sat on her lap and she saw and felt the kid physically wince and flinch when she did that. And now she knew some of what the kid did she had a sneaking suspicion about what was on her thighs.

Steph walked away and tally went to follow but stopped for a moment. "Can you come too?" She asked as she needed someone to hold her hand while steph did this. Sandy nodded immediatly and got up and followed tally and sandy. Steph looked surprised when she saw sandy but figured tally asked her to come so she smiled warmly at her and told tally to sit down and take off her hoodie. She reluctantly took off her hoodie and looked away ashamed of tje state of her arms even if they were covered in bandages right now. sandy supressed the gasp begging to come out as the kid sat on the chair next to her and steph bent downs lowly unravelling the bandage. sandy felt the kid hold onto her hand as her knee bounced up an down the anxiety obvious. luckily they looked okay at the moment and steph looked at tally encouragingly as she put new bandages on her arms. tally stood up when they were done and steph immediately brought her into a big warm hug.

as soon as they broke apart sandy swooped in and hugged her too. she had never thought it would have been as bad as it was. she just assumed there was a few cuts not that they were all over her arms leaving practically no unscarred skin.

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