part 27

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When they got back to the hotel it was dinner time and 7pm. Tally really wasn't feeling hungry. Although she usually didn't feel hungry this was different this was cos she felt like she was being stabbed by a million knifes. So much fun. She just wanted to go upstairs and sleep. It was a 30 minute journey back to the hotel but the traffic was a nightmare there were so many accidents on the roads that day. In the end it ended up taking just over an hour. This was more than enough time for tally to fall asleep. She was originally sitting on beth but when beth got up to go to rhe bathroom she moved to sit on leah, leah was sat by the window and next to her was viv. Leah could tell that she was tired and viv could as well. She knew what had happened to the girl on the field and so she grabbed tallys blanket and put it over her as tally curled up on leahs lap with her back to the window feet on vivs lap and her head resting on leahs chest listening to the sound of her heart beating as shs gently drifted of to sleep.

When beth came back from the bathroom she was outraged. "You stole my adorable tiny human!" She whispered to leah snd viv laughing. Leah smiled at her and gently stoked the sleeping teens hair. Beth got her phone out and took a picture of the utter cuteness. Honestly over half the team should have photo albums just dedicated to tally asleep on someone. It was a running thing at this point and it was so cute that they always had to take photos so by now they had tons. They stayed like that until they got back to the hotel which took absoloutely ages. Leah just stayed talking softly with viv, daan and jill while she stroked tallys hair playing with it a but as she slept. She stayed happily asleep the whole time and ended up holding onto a fistful of leah tshirt as she fidgeted when waves of pain overtook her. Leah could tell when shs was in pain and gently kept stroking her head and hair and with the other hand stroking her back and stomach trying to make it less painful for her. She was lucky she had the knowledge of what helped her when she had awful cramps and hoped that she was helping the pain a bit. she had gotten a heat pack from the medic earlier and quietly asked viv is she could grab it out of leahs backpack discretely knowing the sleeping teen really didn't want anyone to know. viv handed it to her and she thanked her and turned it on and gently placed in on her stomach. she felt the girl relax quite quickly after putting there obviously meaning it gave her some sort of relief which pleased leah. 

by the time they back got to the hotel tally was peacefully sleepful. leah couldn't bare to wake her up so she tucked the hear pack under the waistband of the girls joggers to keep it in place and wrapped her up in the blanket with the house help of viv and picked her gently so one arm was supporting her legs and the other on her back. she viv and beth who had hers and tallys bag made their way up to up to leah and tallys room. leah softly told beth to go into her suitcase and get out a black towel out which she laid down on the bed in case the kid leaked. she was just glad that tally had black joggers on. viv helped her to unwrap the girl from the blanket and place her on the towel gently and covering her with the duvet and placing her tattered toy pig clover under her arm knowing it helped her to sleep. 

leah didn't want to leave her on her own so got beth to bring her up some food. instead of beth bringing her up some food it was jordan who wanted an excuse to see the kid. she brought up some spaghetti bolognese for leah with some veg. she also brought some food for tally if she woke up and was hungry which was unlikely but she did it anyway. she had noticed the girls love of sausages so she brought up a sausage sandwich, some carrots and iceberg lettuce also tallys favourite and then some fruit. she knew she probably wouldn't eat it but leah agreed it was worth a shot.  

jordan and leah were watching some show on leahs laptop when tally woke up. she had been asleep for just over an hour. she woke and groaned. everything hurt. fucking endometriosis. jordan and leah noticed the little groan and looked over at her pausing the movie. tally groaned again and sat up taking the covers off of her and her hoodie and top off as she was suddenly absolutely boiling. "you okay little one?" jordan asked caringly as leah walked over to her to see how she was. tally shrugged feeling awful but not really wanting to say that. "oh munchkin you've got a temperature!" leah said sadly as she touched tallys forehead and cheeks. tally raised her eyebrows half heartedly at the nickname. that's what her papi used to call her. she missed it. she furrowed her eye brows when she realised she was on a black towel. "I put it under you just in case!" leah said softly. tally nodded appreciatively and got up and grabbed some shorts to change into as she was absolutely boiling. suddenly she had a thought. "lee do you have any umm you know pads it just I only have tampons which are shit to sleep in!" tally said embarrassedly going red as she refused to make eye contact.

leah looked at her and brought her into a hug holding her tight. she looked at jordan sadly. how can someone have so much shame over something so natural. she let go of the still majorly embarrassed teen and went over to her suitcase and got out a box of heavy pads and handed them to the girl who nodded at her in thanks. While she went to the bathroom leah grabbed her toy cow which was one of the ones you heat up in a microwave and took it downstairs telling jordan what she was doing. She went into the kitchen and opened up the microwave and put it in there and waited. For 2 whole minutes. Which was time she spent worrying about the kid. When she was going upstairs she was stopped by jen "how's tally?" Jen asked worriedly. Leah smiled at her seeing the care and love for the girl. "She's not feeling very well its the wrong time of the month and she's like me if u get what I mean but that'd between me and you yeah, so she's got a temperature and feels pretty shit so I've done her a hot cow and I'm gonna take it up to her and probably watch a movie with jords until tally falls asleep!" Leah explained. Jen looked relieved knowing it wasn't anything too serious but worried that the girl was going through something she had seen be so difficult for leah. Shs nodded and let leah go back to tally.

Tally was still in the bathroom when leah got back upstairs. Dhe had only been gone a few minutes so she wasn't too worried. Tally came out after that pretty quickly ans it was obvious she had been crying. Leah could guess why she had been crying and ushered her onto the bed. She sat down and leah sat down next to her and gave hee a hug. "T do you wanna watch a movie?" Leah asked softly. Tally nodded and leah moved the black towel and put it to one side of the bed so that tally could still sit on it but so leah and Jordan could be on either side as well. They put on garfield and tally laid down happily accepting the hot cow as although she felt absolutely boiling having just a sports bra and shorts on made it bare able and it made her cramps just that bit better. They were sat up in tallys bed so that hopefully tally would fall asleep while watching it. Tally had snuggled down a bit so was leaning against leah needing that contact. They offered tally the food and she ate some of the carrot ans some of the fruit which was a win in leah and jordans book.

About 40 minutes into the film tally finally fell asleep. Jordan helped leah to lay her down comfortably and tucked her in before jordan left to go back to her room and leah got into bed and went too sleep. It was the 1st night of full sleep that tally had had in a long time and she needed it.

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Jordan 😭😭😭

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