part 7

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tw ⚠ SH, ED, Aniety

they walked into the kitchen and esme said "do you need any help?" holding on tight to Tally's hand. "esme what are you doing here you play for city?" asked Katie obviously confused having not been but the door in the last 15 minutes. "you can hardly talk arsenal has basically adopted ruesha at this point, haha, but no I'm here to visit Tally shes my ..... uhh its complicated, we grew up next to each other!" esme replied. "fair play girl yeah we could use some help were having a chicken salad thing!" Katie replied as tally looked nervous and began to overthink the food. "I'm just going to the Ummm yeah!" Tally mumbled anxiously to get away from the food while she tried to keep her breathing in check. 

"Hold on I'm just gonna check if she's okay sorry!" Said esme as she quickly walked into the room that tally had gone Into. She sees tally lifting her top up and looking at her stomach In the mirror, inspecting the cuts that littered her stomach. Esme gasped audibly causing Tally to turn around at lightning speed. "baby what have you done to yourself?" asked esme shocked at the level of self-harm on her stomach. little did she know that the girls, her girl's arms and thighs were even direr. tally quickly pulled her shirt down despite knowing that she was going to find out one way or another. "I had to the voices.. they wouldn't stop, and neither would she it was relentless and then I felt nothing, I needed to feel something, drinking wasn't working anymore I had to I'm sorry!" Tally said quietly, looking down at her blue socks with sausage dogs, ashamed of her actions. Esme walked over to tally and tackled her into the biggest hug she had ever had. Tally was crying as she hugged her older sister. 

"kid why didn't you tell me everything was getting difficult again, you know I'm only a phone call away!" asked Esme gently feeling sad that the girl felt she couldn't tell her. esme tried to push down the overwhelming feeling of failure towards the young girl that meant the world to her. once they had hugged it out esme wasn't sure what to do, she didn't want to have a big conversation about it, they had done that before and it hadn't helped. They started to walk back to the others as they could smell the chicken being cooked. Tally looked nervous about the food but esme reassuringly squeezed her hand and Leah picked up on that. They sat down and began to eat and tally was so so grateful that esme had offered to help serve as it meant she got a small portion, a portion that didn't make her want to scream into a pillow. 

After they finished eating it was 1 and the other people were arriving soon and tally was feeling confident about it, she thought it was because esme was there, esme was there and she was sure that that contributed to it. She was overall looking forward to the camp that was happening in 3 days. But then the door went and she began to feel nervous again. She went over to leag and whispered nervously to her "you're not going to tell them right? And what if they ask about stuff I can't answer or why esme is here?". The nervous energy she felt was building up inside of her and the urge to go and just add a little bit of blood to her own personal fruit ninja board was getting hard to ignore. Leah hugged her which caught her by surprise but she relaxed into it. "firstly sweetheart I'm not going to tell anyone unless I have to like I had a responsibility to tell esme because she asked us to look after you and make sure your okay, and I told beth so she was aware when I wasn't here as my biggest priority right now is you kid, and secondly I've sent a text telling them to go easy on the questions and that esme is here for personal reasons and I invited her to join okay!" reassure Leah gently as she rubbed circles into the back of the girl. she could sense the girl's nerves were beginning to set in but she seemed to relax when the door went. ruesha opened the door and the girls came in. 

Jen and Steph came in with Caitlin and lia who never really went anywhere without each other, who they hadn't been expecting but Leah made sure to not convey those feelings not wanting to project her nervous energy onto the girl. then the dutchies came in. beth went over to viv and gave her a quick kiss and Daan hugged Katie while Jordan and jill talked on the sofa. leah decided she would introduce the kid to their fellow teammates in chunks while esme beth and Viv talked still standing near the door leah held onto tallys hand protectively and brought her over to where Jordan and jill were sitting briefly making eye contact with esme who looked at her with obvious concern for her girl. "jill this is Tally our new forward!" said leah as jill smiled at her noticing the age of her, that was the one big similarity between all of their introduction, they noticed her age and size/she was a literal child. 

comment and enjoy, not my best work but I have planned some random chapters in the future to happen so now I just have to make them flowww 

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