part 44

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tally walked into the house and saw an annoyed looking jordan sat there. she gulped and took a deep breath hoping that jordan wouldn't be too mad. jordan was beyond pissed and immediately started laying into her. "how the hell do you think its ok to be fighting for gods sake tally suspended you are in your 1st year of a levels you need to be in school to actually get the. I'm so disappointed in your behaviour. this isn't the tally I know!" she said angrily at her. tally stood there shocked. she hadn't expected that to happen. she was a disappointment. she had disappointed jordan, her jordy that she went to when ever she had a problem. the jordan that she had trusted completely. "go fuck yourself!" tally shouted at her before running into her room grabbing her bag and running out of the flat. then it sunk into jordan what she had said. she had said she was disappointed in her. she was so caught up in the moment she hadn't thought about what she was saying. she knew better than that. why did she do it. come on jordan think before you speak.

tally ran down the road and into the gym that was a few minutes away. she immediately went into the changing rooms and took some moments to really process what had happened. she needed to do this. sure her hand hurt a bit. but she had to do this. she had too. she needed the release, the break from reality. she stayed there for about 20 minutes as she changed into a long sleeve leotard and some nike pros and put her hair up in a ponytail.

leah walked into the flat and saw jordan holding her head in her hands. "oh leah I was such an idiot I shouted at tally for getting suspended I don't know why it just happened and I said I was disappointed in her, how could I be so stupid and then she grabbed a gym bag and ran out and I don't know where shes gone we have to find her!" jordan said on the verge of tear. what? leah thought. jesus christ jordan she thought. leah had assumed that jordan would know better than her but she had such high hopes for the kid. she should have told her the full story. she should have told her. they had to find tally. leah couldn't be annoyed at jordan in the moment she was too worried about tally. the first thing she did was look at snapmaps as leah knew that tally had hers on and she was in luck. she saw tallys location and it was a 7 minute walk away. she quickly rushed out the apartment leaving jordan there confused.

leah practically sprinted down the road to where it said she was and was surprised to see it was a gym. a gymnastics gym. she saw tally come out of the changing rooms having plastered up her hand and cheek. she sat down with the other people who she presumed were parents. leah had done gymnastics when she was little but she hadn't done it in a long time. it brought back all sorts of nice memories. it was where she discovered her love of playing football.

tally started to warm up and seeing as there were only 5 people there the coach came over pretty quickly. she noticed leah sat in the bit with the parents and she smiled to herself. it really kinda confirmed to her that they did all really care about her. She finished warming up and asked the coach what was free as leah sat down with some parents and watched her. She watched as tally made sure she was completely stretched and started to do small tricks while the coach watched giving the occasional comment. Leah got her phone out and started to record her as she started her floor routine. Tally hadn't shown the coach her floor routine as she was still relatively new here and hadn't found a place yet where she could just do it for fun. The coach put her music on and she began. Her first pass was a round off back handspring twice with a twist before jumping into the splits in it and then she did the splits and some smaller skills before doing her next pass when she did a front flip into a round off into back handspring with a double layout, once again she did some more little dancy bits before her final pass and most impressive where she a round off into 2 back layouts and a double twist with a perfect landing. She finished and the coach congratulated her as she saw leah look at her with confusion but immense pride all over her face. She walked over to where leah was and grabbed the water that she had put down over there and sat down next to her taking a drink sitting in comfortable silence.

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