part 37

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tally and lia finished eating and leaving her bags there she got into lias car again. it was about a five minute drive to the pharmacy and luckily it was relatively empty. tally pulled her hood up and put on her sunglasses not wanting anyone to see her. lia and tally walked up to the till and tally stayed silent. lia looked at her quickly and could see the how embarrassed and afraid tally was. so she began to speak "hi we were wondering how to get the morning after pill?" Lia asked the vaguelly annoyed looking older woman who was manning the till. "Right then ok is it for you or the girl next to you who is avoiding looking at either of us!" She asked in a tired sounding monotone voice. She didn't really seem to care. "For me!" Tally said softly finally looking up at tje lady. Lia wrapped her arm around tallys shoulders protectively. The lady nodded and grabbed the plan b pill off of the shelf givjng tally a slightly dissaproving pook but she didnt say anything evidently thinking better of it and lia paid for it. She grabbed it and put it in her pocket not wanting anyone to see and they walked out of the pharmacy together noticing a wierd looking woman looking at them strangly on the way out. They didn't think anything of it until later that night. They had team bonding scheduled in as they didn't have anything to do and the team was still getting used to each other.

Tally and lia drove back to her, caitlin manu and manas appartment and caitlin was back. lia clued in caitlin on what was happening after she promised not to tell leah and with tallys approval and she read out the instructed they hung out for about an hour watching some tv and just talking, caitlin and lia both wanted to see some pictures of her siblings. after about an hour it was time for tally to go home and seeing as she only lived like a 10 minute walk she and lia decided to walk back. It wasn't a bad walk and lia had refused to let tally carry her own backpack so lia had carried it and held onto tallys hand protectively. She didn't want to let the kid go. She was so precious and she didn't want to break her.

Tally got back home and said bye to lia. "You know you can call me if you need anything!" She said softly to tje young girl hugging her. Tally nodded and softly said "yeah I know!". They had team bonding at 4 and they were going to have a movie night. There was the option of going out and doing something but they were wary of eating out with tally and not wanting to add any stress to her so of course she wasn't aware of that option. They had ruled it out pretty quickly as most of them would rather have a movie night anyway and the others were just sad they couldn't go out and drunk but they weren't allowed so close to rhe game.

It was 2 o'clock and tally was supposed to be doing school work but she just couldn't get her brain to work. She was a bit nervous about the game as her and jen had had a chat and had made a plan for it so she was worried about that and her dyslexia was playing up so she was really struggling with her reading so she gave up. Lorry would understand and she could help her in her lunch time if necessary. Tally gave up and went out to the living room and saw leah. Leah was sat on the sofa and staring intently at her phone. She noticed tally who was walking over to the fridge. She got out some raspberries and blueberries and put them into a bowl and grabbed her full water bottle and put some squash in it. It was mango and passion fruit and it was so elite. They always had a good supply of fruit veg and squash so tally could always snack and it ensured she stayed hydrated as she struggled with drinking enough water. As in she just didn't drink. Leah softly called out her name and beckoned her over. Tally shut the fridge and grabbed her bowl and water bottle and went over to the sofa. She placed them on thw coffee table and sat down next to her. Leah put her phone down and looked at her studying her face. Tally gave her a hug. Leah sighed with relief happy that the kid wasn't mad at her. She was so relieved. "I'm really sorry for being so hard on you before training I didn't mean to shout or get annoyed I was just worried I don't want you to make a mistake that you really regret for the rest of your life. You could get pregnant or something like that kid I was just so worried I love you so much and it hurts me so much to think of anything bad happening to you!" Leah explained to her softly. Tally looked at her. "It's OK I get you were just worried about me but bad stuff is going to happen and has already happened. Stuff you know about and stuff you don't. My brother and my sister both died and no one could stop that no matter how hard we tried!" She said looking at leah with tears in her eyes. Leah brought her into another hug and just held her there trying hard not to cry. She knew the kid hadn't had an easy life but she didn't know nearly any of it. Why was she do afraid of telling any of them about it. What had happened to her. It was around 315 when they had sat on the sofa and tally detached herself from leah and grabbed her bowl and ate some of the fruit slowly. She offered some to leah who smiled and grabbed a blueberry. "Are you looking forward to this evening?" She asked looking at tally curiously. She knew that some situations still stressed her out despite having gotten close with the team. Tally nodded. "I'm going to take a bag of food that's specifically for you and your squash I know how much you love that so that there's snacks that you definetly want to eat and then for dinner wefe having tomato and bacon pasta bake. Jordan asked what you liked and I said that is rhat OK?" Leah said to her. Tally nodded. "Why did jords ask what I liked everyone's gonna be there?" She said knowing why she was going to bring the snacks. She was so paranoid about her eating and to be honest tally couldn't blame her. "Well jordan knows your like me and a bit umm perriculsr ahiht the foods you like!" She said laughing. Tally laughed as well. "I think I'm less picky than you Lee!" She said loudly laughing. Leah looked mock shocked for a moment before laughter broke through she and she nodded. "How ready ate you as we are leaving in about 20 minutes and beth is already there but we're taking katie so I need to go and tell her were leaving in 15!" Leah said. Tally laughed. "I just need to get changed and then we can go and that's smart she's always late!" Tally said. Leah got up as did tally and leah went into katies and tally went into hers.

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