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As Veronica brushed her teeth, she heard the doorbell ring. She knew her parents had not been expecting anyone, otherwise they would have warned her to stay in her room and be quiet. She quickly and quietly made her way downstairs and stopped on the bottom step. From here, she would be able to eavesdrop on the conversation while being hidden from her parents. Once the formalities were out of the way, the visitor, who had introduced himself as Albus Dumbledore, began to speak.

"I am here today on behalf of a school in Scotland where I am the headmaster. This school is for children aged 11 to 17. If I am not mistaken, I believe you have a daughter that turns 11 today."

"Yes," Veronica's father agreed, "we do. But I don't understand. We live in London, not Scotland. What made you interested in our daughter? Either way, we cannot afford to send our daughter to your school."

"That's not a problem, Mr. Singer. Our school is free to attend. Students live on school property and are provided with three meals a day. Your daughter will be well taken care of. As for your first question Mr. Singer, we are constantly searching for bright and talented young individuals to join our school, and your daughter has been on our registry since the day she was born. She's... very special."

"So the hospital put her on your radar?"

Dumbledore paused for a moment, searching for an answer. "Something like that."

"What about transportation? We can't afford a plane or train ticket to Scotland twice a year."

"Train tickets are provided for all students. You are only required to drive her to the train station."

Veronica scoffed quietly. She knew her parents would never drive her; they would make her find her own way there.

For the first time since the conversation began, her mother spoke. "So let me get this straight: you'll pay for her transportation, you'll feed and house her, you'll educate her, AND on top of all that, you'll take her out of our hair for 10 months out of 12?"


"Deal! Done! Sold! Where do we sign?" Her parents could not contain their excitement.

Veronica's heart sank. She knew her parents hated her, but would they really send her off to a school they've never heard of in a country they've never been to with a strange man they've never met before? Throughout the entire conversation, Veronica felt conflicted. On the one hand, she desperately wanted to get away from her parents, but on the other hand, she was afraid of the man's true intentions. What if he was a pedophile? Or worse, a murderer...

Veronica's panic intensified when Dumbledore responded. "Oh no, that won't be necessary. All we need is your verbal consent."

"Well, you have it. We consent." Her father had never sounded so giddy.

"Great. May I meet your daughter?"

"Of course! We'll go get her for you."

"I believe it would be best if I speak with her alone in her room. So as not to frighten her, you see."

"Of course, of course! Go up the stairs, it's the first door on the right."

Veronica felt her legs begin to shake as she flung herself up the stairs and into her room. Her door only locked from the outside, so she knew he would be coming in whether she wanted him to or not. All she could do was prepare to fight her ass off. Grabbing a baseball bat from under her bed, she stood at the back of the room facing the door with the bat behind her back. Not long after, there was a knock on her door. Veronica stood completely still, hoping he would go away if she didn't answer the door. However, that was not the case as she heard a second knock shortly after.

"Veronica, I know you're in there. I also know that you were standing on the steps when I was talking with your parents." Veronica froze. How did he know that? There's no way he could have seen her. When she didn't respond, he announced that he was coming in and turned the doorknob.

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