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As the students piled into the Great Hall, Veronica scanned the Ravenclaw table for any sign of Art, but he still hadn't made an appearance. Veronica willed the negative thoughts to disappear, but she couldn't stop thinking that something had happened to him. Had his parents found out he was gay and not allowed him to come back to Hogwarts? Or worse, had they done something to him? She wanted to think they weren't capable of hurting their own son, but she knew better than anyone what some parents could do to their children.

Veronica sat at her usual spot at the Ravenclaw table and when she looked around, she made eye contact with Felix at the other end of the table. She quickly shook her head at his unspoken question, before turning back to Dumbledore, who began the sorting ceremony for this year's first-years.

Once the Start-of-Term Feast was over and the tables were cleared, Dumbledore requested the students remain seated for one final announcement. As he approached the podium, Veronica had a sinking feeling it was about Art, but she tried her best to keep her emotions off her face because she knew Felix was watching her.

As Dumbledore cleared his throat, the Great Hall went silent. "Students, as I'm sure many of you have noticed, Artemis Lovegood has not returned to Hogwarts this year." At the mention of Art's name, Veronica's eyes widened as she turned to look at Felix. She saw her expression mirrored on his face as they stared at each other. "I wish I had better news, but unfortunately, I do not. Mr. Lovegood was involved in a tragic accident over the summer and... has not survived the incident." Gasps and whispers could be heard echoing throughout the hall as students took in the news with disbelief.

Veronica's hands flew to her mouth as tears clouded her vision. Closing her eyes, she lay her forehead on the table and sobbed. She couldn't bring herself to look at Felix; the devastation that she knew would be written all over his face would kill her and break her heart. Dumbledore continued once the students had quieted down slightly.

"I know this is hard for many of you, as it is for the staff as well. But it is important that we remember the life of the boy we knew. The boy that was a shining star of this school. The boy that was so full of life. He will be missed, but we will keep him in our hearts forever. I invite you all to join me in raising your wands for the boy that was taken from this world far too soon, but will never be forgotten. The boy that was beloved by many."

Veronica felt arms wrapping around her and knew it was Charlie without having to look. Charlie had been sitting directly behind her at the Gryffindor table but had gotten up to join her immediately, knowing she needed him. Without hesitation, Veronica fell into his arms and sobbed into his chest as he stroked her hair and whispered soothing words in her ear. Charlie could feel the wet spot on his shirt growing by the second as she sobbed, and his heart ached.

After a few moments of silence with students and teachers holding their lit wands up in honor of Art, Dumbledore continued. "That was beautiful. Thank you all. Now, classes will be canceled this week to give those that need it time to heal from this loss. Please remember, my door and the doors of all of your professors are always open to you if you need someone to talk to. You are all dismissed, but please take your time and feel free to stay as long as you need."

At that, Veronica pulled away from Charlie and wiped her eyes. "Charlie, I need to talk to Dumbledore. I have to ask him what happened. Can you go to Felix and comfort him until I get back please?"

"Of course, love. I've got him, you do what you need to do."

"Thank you." Veronica got up quickly and made her way over to the podium where Dumbledore stood, apparently waiting for her. "Professor, can we talk?"

"Of course. Come to my office."

"No, I need to talk to you quickly here first." Dumbledore ushered her over to the far back corner of the hall near the head table but far enough away from prying ears. With Veronica's back to the wall and Dumbledore's to the hall, she was shielded from nosy students' eyes as well. "Headmaster, what happened to Artemis? How did he..." Veronica couldn't bring herself to say the words, it would make it too real. "You know."

"Veronica, I really shouldn't tell you."

"Please, Professor, he was my friend. And my mind won't stop thinking of the worst possible scenarios, and it's killing me not knowing. Please. I need to know."

"Alright, Veronica, alright." Veronica waited with bated breath. "His mother rather enjoyed experimenting with and inventing new spells. She was an incredibly skilled witch, but one day back in August, one of her experimental spells backfired. It killed her, but it also killed Artemis, who was in the room with her at the time of the accident. I was told he often enjoyed sitting with his mother in her office while she worked. His younger sister, Luna, was also in the room, but she was unharmed. Unfortunately, it was a horribly gruesome death, and the poor girl witnessed the whole thing. I'm sure you of all people can understand what she must be going through." Veronica couldn't believe what she was hearing. It was sad, of course it was. But she was relieved too. They didn't kill him. They didn't do it on purpose because he was gay.

Veronica thanked her headmaster before quickly rushing around him and over to where Charlie was sitting with Felix, holding him to his chest as the boy shook from his sobs. The rest of the Hall was now empty as the students and teachers had all left the room, and the three were all that remained. From the corner of her eye, Veronica noticed Dumbledore leaving the Hall as well, and she knew he wanted to give them their privacy. Reaching the Ravenclaw table, Veronica placed a hand on Felix's back and gently began to pull him off Charlie. The boy resisted at first, but once he realized who it was, his sobs intensified, and he buried his face in her neck. Veronica quickly wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tight as tears ran down her face. They both needed this.

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