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"You know, my mum would freak if she found out we were doing this."

Veronica chuckled quietly. "I know, but we aren't doing anything. We're just talking."

"At 2 in the morning... in my room... alone... and with the door closed."

Veronica felt a blush creeping up her cheeks and quickly hid her face in one of Charlie's pillows. The two were laying side by side in his bed as they talked, and these late night chats had become a nightly ritual that Veronica cherished. "It's funny. After all these years, she still thinks there's the possibility of something happening between us." Veronica paused for a moment as she inwardly cringed at her statement, but she tried not to let it show. Little did she know Charlie had done the same. They had both been momentarily distracted by their longing, but Veronica shook her head softly and continued as the silence began to overwhelm her. "Besides, Ginny was fast asleep when I left our room, so she won't be telling anyone. And obviously we won't be telling anyone. So, we're all good."

"Yeah, you're right."

Veronica smiled as she glanced around the room. "Hey, how's it been having the room to yourself? I know you and Bill have been sharing since you started at Hogwarts, so it must be odd not having him around."

"Yeah, it's definitely strange. I loved sharing a room with him, and we used to have late night talks just like this all the time, so I just... I miss him."

Veronica nodded softly. "I know. I do too." Sensing the sadness radiating off Charlie, she quickly changed the topic to something lighter, and the two laughed and talked throughout the night. After a while, Veronica felt her eyes closing involuntarily, so she decided to rest them for a moment as she listened to Charlie's voice.

"Ronnie! Ronnie, wake up!"

Veronica sprung up quickly and rubbed her eyes. "What? What is it?"

"We fell asleep last night! You're still in my room! If mum finds us, we're dead."

Veronica's face lost all color as she jumped out of bed. "Dear Merlin, what time is it?"

"It's 6, which means dad's just gone to work and mum is in the kitchen getting breakfast ready, so if we're lucky, you can sneak back over to your room without her ever knowing you were in here. Ginny should still be asleep too. But we need to be really quiet. Mum's just one floor down, so she'll come rushing up here if she hears anything odd."

Veronica nodded and stole a breath before slowly pulling open Charlie's door. Suddenly, a loud creak filled the house, and the pair cringed. Charlie's door had never done that before, and of course it had to happen when they were trying their best to be quiet. They immediately froze in place as they listened carefully for any sounds coming from downstairs, and to their horror, they heard footsteps approaching the bottom of the stairs, from where Molly would have a perfect view of Charlie's door and the two of them. Veronica knew she wouldn't have time to slip into Ginny's room without Molly catching her, so she quickly came up with a plan. Stepping out into the hallway, she stood in front of the door and placed her hand on the doorknob as if she had just shut it.

"What are you doing!?!" Charlie whispered frantically. "Go inside!"

"There's no time. Trust me, just follow my lead."

Before Charlie could argue, Molly appeared at the bottom of the stairs and peered up at them. "Veronica, Charlie, what are you two up to? It's early."

"Oh, I just woke up and needed to go to the lavatory, Molly, and by the looks of it, I believe Charlie had the same idea." Turning to her friend, she winked at him. "But tough luck, Charlie. I was first, so you'll have to wait." Darting up the stairs and out of Molly's sight, Veronica heard her chuckle before her retreating steps reached her ears. Taking a deep breath, Veronica leaned against the wall of the stairwell and glanced down at Charlie, who still had his head poking out of his door. As their eyes met, the pair giggled quietly.

"That was a close one!" Charlie whispered.

"Oh, you can say that again."

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