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When they first boarded the train, the twins had joined Veronica and Charlie in their usual compartment. Not long after the journey began, the trolley witch had passed by, and Veronica had noticed Fred and George eyeing all the tasty treats she had to offer, so she had stepped quietly out into the corridor and bought some of everything. The look on their faces when she came back with her arms full of sweets made her heart sing.

As she sat back down next to Charlie, he whispered, "you didn't have to do that, Ronnie. I can't even begin to imagine how much that cost."

"Well, that look on their faces is priceless, so don't worry about it." Before Charlie could continue lecturing her, she stood. "Come on, we'll be late for our Prefects' meetings." Turning to the twins, she said, "Don't eat that all in one sitting, okay? You'll be feeling ill in no time. And save some for Percy. We'll send him over if we see him."

"Okay!" They responded simultaneously without looking up from the treats.

As they shut the compartment door and began making their way down the corridor towards the Prefects' compartments, Charlie couldn't wipe the shocked look off his face. "It never fails to amaze me how much they listen to you. They didn't even argue with you. If I had said any of that to them, especially the bit about Percy, they would have thrown a fit. How do you do that?"

Veronica chuckled. "Well, for starters, I'm not their brother. They're automatically hardwired not to listen to you and to push back."

Charlie shook his head. "No, there must be more to it than that. You're just as much a sister to them as Ginny is."

"Yeah, but I don't try to boss them around the way you, Bill and Percy do. And I don't treat them like children either. Do you remember what we were like at their age? I'm an only child, but you hated when Bill used the fact that he was older against you. And I hated when Dumbledore would treat me like a child that couldn't think or fend for itself. So I don't do that to them, and I think they respect me more because of that."

Charlie's eyebrows furrowed as he prepared to argue with her, but Veronica quickly poked her head into a compartment on her right. Charlie could only hear muffled voices before Percy came strolling out into the corridor.

"Oh, hiya Charlie! Which compartment are they in, Veronica?"

"The second from the end on your right."

"Cool, thanks! See you two later!"

Veronica chuckled as she watched him disappear into the compartment. She could only imagine the chaos she and Charlie would be coming back to after their meetings; she only hoped the Weasley brothers wouldn't kill each other before then. As the pair continued down the corridor, they finally reached the Prefects' compartments, and they each joined their respective Houses.


The meetings hadn't lasted long, and before they knew it, Veronica and Charlie were standing in the corridor again. "Do you want to do a quick check of all the compartments before we get back to your brothers?"


It didn't take long for them to make their way down the train, and in one of the final compartments, Veronica found Artemis and Felix. Charlie had stopped at a compartment a few doors up to say hello to his Quidditch mates, and it was good that he did, otherwise he would have gotten quite a shock at the sight of the two boys snogging. Veronica kicked the door gently before sliding it open, giving them enough time to pull away from each other and wipe the saliva from their faces as she walked in.

With her arms crossed, she glared at them. "What are you two doing? You know how many students could have seen you as they walked past? Not to mention the trolley witch. You're just begging to get caught, and with all that crap you keep saying about wanting to keep this a secret, I doubt you'd like that!"

Felix's face turned bright red, and he quickly hid it in Artemis' shoulder. Even Art looked embarrassed as he held his hands up in surrender. "Sorry V, but we haven't seen each other all summer!"

"Yeah, well don't come complaining to me when you get caught and your secret is out. You're lucky Charlie stopped at another compartment, or he would have been ahead of me, and he would have been the one to find you."

Just then, Charlie appeared in the doorway. "Oh, hey guys! It's great to see you! How was your summer?"

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